Spanish Narrative Essay

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Growing up in a Hispanic household the first language that you learn should be Spanish, right? This was not the case for me, having two older sisters that were already in school learning English and always using English around me and my family. English was my first language, this helped with my early youth in picking up English at school faster. Learning English first was detrimental to learning Spanish, I learned informal Spanish called Spanglish. I would mix up English words with Spanish words and made it harder for me to construct vocal sentences. Being a Hispanic is difficult if you know limited Spanish, it was important for me to dedicate time to learn Spanish. My parents thought it would be a great experience to go to El Salvador …show more content…

I made it a priority to expand my Spanish vocabulary by reading books and communicating with my family in Spanish more often. I was ecstatic in going back to school because I knew that they had a Spanish elective that was mandatory for all kids going to elementary school. In taking the class, I felt that it was too easy, we were learning the alphabets and words that infants would know. This gave me a little more confidence that a lot of kids my age did not know the basics of Spanish. Since the school was teaching the basics, I had to learn Spanish with my families help. My parents took me to the library and we checked out books that were only in Spanish. In the Blue-Collar Brilliance, Rosie devised memory strategies so that she could remember who ordered what And because she knew the average time it took to prepare different dishes” (Rose). She worked smart and found ways to be more efficient in her job as a waiter. It does not matter who you are, you just have to find you own way to study. Just like her I found a quick and efficient way to learn Spanish. At first I thought that it would be impossible to learn everything that I can, but using my method of learning I feel confident that I could learn a lot before the next time we go visit my grandparents back in El

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