Spanglish Culture Essay

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Living in Spanglish World

Spanglish is known as a hybrid language combining words and idioms from both Spanish and English especially Spanish speech that uses many English words and expressions. Around the US, millions of citizens in major cities are speaking what some are calling a third language. According to an essay forum on Spanglish, some consider Spanglish a language disease, slang that should be taken care of immediately. A threat to the purity of both languages as a whole. To others they seek to develop their Spanglish speaking skills. Spanglish has changed the world, corporations have discovered it and it’s on television, radio, novels, rap and rock music. In this essay I will explain the significance the language ‘Spanglish’ …show more content…

The media is not only concerned that the Hispanic community is a critical consumer group whose buying power rivals that of any other minority group, but they also realize that a key part of reaching and identifying with the Hispanic/Latino community is through Spanglish. The media has to be sure to act on every medium of mass communication from radio, shows, news, magazines, newspapers, movies and include Spanglish as a vehicle of communication as a way to identify the Hispanic/Latino community in today’s generation which is Spanglish.


Alvarez, L. (1998) It’s the talk of Nueva York: The hybrid called Spanglish. In V. P. Clark et al. (eds) Language: readings in language and culture 483–88. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s

Rothman, Jason, and Amy B. Rell. "A Linguistic Analysis of Spanglish: Relating Language to Identity." Equinox Pub. Equinox Publishing, n.d. Web. 4 May 2015.

Sayer, P. (2013). Translanguaging, TexMex, and bilingual pedagogy: Emergent bilinguals learning through the vernacular. TESOL Quarterly, 47(1), 63-88.

Xavenga. "Why Spanglish Contaminates or Enriches English or Spanish or Both: Research Paper." Why Spanglish Contaminates or Enriches English or Spanish or Both: Research Paper. Essay Forum, 10 Dec. 2012. Web. 04 May

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