Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz, Kant, And Frederick Douglass?

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Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Immanuel Kant, and Frederick Douglass are all authors who have strong societal and political convictions. The literary works of these authors that were published were revolutionary and impacted the views and ideas of those around them, making a large enough impact to still show importance to this day. An important idea they all contributed to was freedom and education. Although all these authors have similarities in pushing for a change in their society, they were initially driven by motives different from one another. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was born in the 17th century and passed away at the age of 46 as a remarkable Mexican poet. During the period of time de la Cruz was writing, women were not given the privilege …show more content…

She uses examples from the Bible and God’s name to make her point more convincing and speaks on the reason she became a nun. “Almighty God knows.I attempted to bury my understanding along with my name and sacrifice it to the One who gave it to me; for no other reason did I enter a convent, although the spiritual exercises and companionship of a community were incompatible with the freedom and quiet my studious intentions demanded” (de la Cruz, 246). She chose to become a nun so she was able to pursue her interests of studying as she wished. In her work, she pushed the boundaries that were set for women and sought to gain more freedom. She was independent and extremely determined to learn, so much so that she would chop her hair if she couldn’t grasp the things she was aiming to teach herself. “It did not seem right for my head to be dressed in hair when it was so bare of knowledge, which was a more desirable adornment” (de la Cruz, 247). To her, knowledge is so much more important than material possessions because you will always have the knowledge you gain, but you can lose materialistic things such as wealth and

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