Scholarship Boy Richard Rodriguez Analysis

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Synthesis Paper
Richard Rodriguez author and journalist wrote a short piece “Scholarship Boy” to explain to his audience of underprivileged children wanting a better future, the scarifies he endured as a young child: the loss of family ties and knowing himself in order to succeed a better self. Another great author who faced huge sacrifices is known as none other than abolitionist leader Fredrick Douglass, “Learning to Read and Write” giving his found audience a look into the various dangerous tasks he took to give himself a better chance of survival. The two pieces show how one boy sacrificed so much in order to free himself and the other coming from less harsh circumstances but understand sacrifices just as well. All to be able to have a better and brighter future.
While staring back into the faces of small children much like his younger self, Rodriguez starts to run through points of his life where the need to know more pushed him further from his family and their norms and culture. Mainly focusing on the bright future an education offers him, he continues to knowingly distance himself from his family. Douglass went through similar situations on his path for education. Focusing on his chance for freedom, with no family ties to distance …show more content…

Douglass faced huge sacrifices to be free and it paid off in the end, he lived a wonderful fulfilling life once he gained his dream. Rodriquez found himself teaching other students like himself and slowly started to reform ties with his family or assumed by his readers. In the end both walked through the door un aware what lyed on the otherside.Sacrifice is presented in all forms some dangorus and harmful others emotionally distressful but for the knowledge reading amd writing and any other form of knowledge one desires to have sacrifice might come up but it might be worth it in the long

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