Some History of Promotion Marketing or Advertising

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Some History of Promotion Marketing/Advertising Promotional Strategies and Advertising are very important when it comes to marketing for a firm. One of the methods used to determine the internal and external environment in the organization business strategies is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. This is the matrix platform for most business firms and it is effective for organizations. When people are talking about promotional strategies and advertising; marketing is basically what business firm wants to be successful in. Advertising is dealing with marketing strategy as well, and companies use this method to create awareness for their product and services. This promotional strategy wants to get a response and target a customer. A unique look of a picture of a product with a cool logo will gain the interest of a customer. This simple idea will draw consumers’ to purchase the product based off the look of the logo or trademark. Advertisement can be sent through television, radio, newspapers, magazines and journals. Also, advertisements can be sent direct mail, which the product send marketing materials to the selected list of customers. Outdoor advertising can be put on posters, banner, signs and bus ads. Compare and Contrast Promotional/Advertising Strategies As of 2013, Panasonic TX-P55VT65B is one of the leading TV brands its’ picture is immense and the images are sharp and crisp. There are key areas in this flat screen TV, which makes it key for consumer to purchase the product. The product include motion, contrast, black levels and 3D stability. According to (Lucas, 2013), 55VT65B makes an impression like it is the most natural thing in the world to blitz opponents as credibl... ... middle of paper ... ...Retrieved from Nanda, R. &. (2011, November). A Historical Overview of Marketing Strategies. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 1 (Issue 7). Retrieved from Stuff. (2013, November 1). Samsung PS51F5500 Review. Retrieved from Trusted Reviews. (2014). Samsung PS51F5500 - 3D Performance and Conclusions. Retrieved from WHAT HI*FI? (2013, October 31). Panasonic Officially ends Plasma TV production. Retrieved from

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