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5 Strategies to Use When Playing the Classic Version of Solitaire
Solitaire is not only a game of chance and luck, it is also a game of skill as well, where you will have to make some smart choices if you want to win. As with any game, there are always ways to maneuver your way through and get ahead without having to cheat. 1 thing to always remember when it comes to playing games is that cheaters never win, and are only cheating themselves out of the chance to be a real winner. Besides, if you are smart enough to find ways to cheat, then why not use your brains to find a good strategy that can help you to win instead? Then you will actually — not only be a real winner — but will feel like 1 as well.

5 Good strategies to use when playing …show more content…

In the case of a 3 card game, keep in mind that if you even use just 1 card out of the deck, then the next time you go through the deck again, the cards after that point will change, unless you use all 3 of the cards you draw. For example, you draw 3 cards and are able to use the first card, then the second card after that, and then find you can also use the third card after that. Therefore, you should always try to use at least 1 card from the deck for each turnaround. If you are running short of cards to place, you might only want to place 1 or 2 cards to make sure you get different cards the next time you go through the …show more content…

After going through the deck and not being able to find any matches, the game doesn’t have to be over yet, if the game allows for taking cards back from the foundation? If so, you can take some cards back from your suited piles in the foundation and place them back in the columns of a card the opposite color and a number higher, if it will help to reveal new cards. For example, you have a black 9 in 1 column and a black 7 in another with a card facing down beneath it, and you have your 4 suited piles where 1 contains a red 8 on top. Place the red 8 on the black 9, then put the black 7 below the red 8 and reveal the card under it.

Another good example is, you have a black 8 in 1 column and from the deck you drew a black 6 if you should happen to have a red 7 sitting on top of 1 of your suited piles in the foundation, you can place it on the black 8 and then place the black 6 from the deck on the red 7 and try to play the card that was below the 6. Even if you are unable to place the card below the 6, this will switch the deck to where different cards are revealed (if playing 3 card

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