Software Application Project

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3.2 Main Challenges: The main challenge to this project is maintaining concurrency in the real-time system. The other challenge is time constraints. However, hard-working and time management skills via Gantt chart could overcome these limitations. 3.3 Requirements Specification The project has to assemble a set of requirements drafted out before hand, which will be used to decide if the overall result meets the satisfactory conclusion. The requirements are split into two categories, the so-called functional that will state what the system will do and the non-functional that will enunciate how the system will do it. Functional requirements: • This chatting system will allow communicating with the customers by opening a new window which only responsible for the conversation between the customer care offic-ers and customers. • There will be user authentication such as user name and password. • If the user is new then there will be an option to become a member. • After successful log-in, the system will allow initiating a session and it will continue the session until conversation end or there will be session timer of inactivity of the us-er such as an idle mode. • There will be a send , refresh and reset button which will allow the user’s to send the written messages , refresh them and if they wish ,they can reset it by clicking the reset button respectively. • There will be also options for the users to leave the chat application or save them when they want. • The proposed system will allow the customers to ask questions and get an instant re-sponse from the call centre operator. • For the proposed system, chatting will be one-to-one basis. That is why; there will be one dedicated operator for a specific ... ... middle of paper ... ... Microsoft Windows .NET FRAMEWORK”; Wintellect Publication; page 5-21; accessed on 22.06.2010, Time 10.00 am [14][18][20][21] Mr Dick Williams, “CE831-7-AU: E-COMMERCE PROGRAMMING”, AJAX and LINQ lecture, Autumn Semester’09, University of Essex, UK. [16][19] Mr Dick Williams, “CE831-7-AU: E-COMMERCE PROGRAMMING”, ASP.NET lecture, Au-tumn Semester’09, University of Essex, UK.; accessed on 21.06.2010, Time 22.10 pm [22]; accessed on 13.06.2010, Time 19.36 pm [23] Mr I Langdon, “CE811-7-SP: DEVELOPMENT OF LARGE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS”, Soft-ware Testing lecture, Spring Semester’10, University of Essex, UK. [24] Dr John Gan, “CE903-7-SP: GROUP PROJECT”, Project Management Lecture, Spring Se-mester’10, University of Essex, UK.

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