User Interface

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Introduction Information Retrieval (IR) is to represent, retrieve from storage and organise the information. The information should be easily access. User will be more interested with easy access information. Information retrieval process is the skills of searching for documents, for information within documents and for metadata about documents, as well as that of searching relational databases and the World Wide Web. According to (Shing Ping Tucker, 2008), E-commerce is rapidly a growing segment in the internet. The future of economic competitiveness for most enterprises relies on entrance and active participation in the E-commerce. Furthermore, Dorner & Curtis, 2003 believe a common user interface replaces the multiple interfaces found among individual electronic library resources, reducing the time and effort spent by the user in both searching and learning to use a range of databases. Although the primary function of a common user interface is to simplify the search process, such products can be holistic solutions designed to address requirements other than searching, such as user authentication and site branding. According to Ahmed et al., 2007, user interface design has received a limited attention from IR researchers. There is a need for adopting human-computer interaction (HCI) techniques into IR interface designs, but this is an issue that has not yet been fully recognised by the commercial database vendors and distributors. Problem statement The future of economic competitiveness for most enterprises relies on entrance and active participation in the e-commerce market. An essential problem with e-commerce is that the controls and organization are different for each site. There is no standard way of building t... ... middle of paper ... ...", Internet Research, Vol. 11 Iss: 5 pp. 388 – 398. Tucker, Shin-Ping. (2008). “E-commerce standard user interface:an E-menu system. Industrial Management & Data System, Vol. 108 No.8, pp 1009-1028. Gordana Milosavljevic, Dragoan Ivanovic, Duaan Surla, Branko Milosavlje. (2001). “Automated construction of the user interface for a CERIF-compliant research management system", The Electronic Library, Vol. 29 Iss: 5 pp. 565 – 588 Jih-Hsin Tang, Heng-Li Yang, (2005),"User role and perception of requirements in a web- based community of practice", Online Information Review, Vol. 29 Iss: 5 pp. 499 – 512 Mondoux, Julie and Shiri, Ali. (2008). “Institutional repositories in Canadian post- secondary institutions: user interface features and knowledge organization systems”, Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, Vol. 61 No. 5 pp. 436-458

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