Modernizing the Bibliographic Chain Model

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1. Introduction Technological advancements within ICT have paved the way to new and innovative methods of how information flows within a business. In the past (and currently), the Bibliographic Chain Model was a prominent source which illustrated and categorised the flow of information from an individual, or a human resource, into various kinds of formats. The main problem with the bibliographic chain, however, is that it was modelled in 1976 (by J.M Doyle and G.H Grimes) which would imply that it is fairly outdated with regards to how technological developments back would have influenced how information circulated. This research report aims to explore how such a system can be altered and adapted with aid of recent developments in ICT to a more modern level which will aid the way we conduct research in business. 2. What is the Bibliographic Chain and what is its role in business? The Bibliographic Chain is a process whereby information proceeds through an individual’s imagination/mind to its final resting place which may be in the format of an encyclopaedia summary [1]. The Bibliographic Chain contains eleven progressive links which consists of: knowledge within human resources; information created by institutions; documents that are currently being worked on; unpublished studies and findings; periodicals; reports and monographs; services (indexing and abstracting); bibliographic lists and essays/reports; yearly reviews and prolific reports, books and encyclopaedic summaries [5]. Some items of information are excluded from the entire bibliographic chain sequence. Many are simply integrated into other relevant topics which is the reason behind their absence. Only items with absolute relevance, validity, uniqueness and novelty... ... middle of paper ... ...rtner, “A Portal May Be Your First Step to Leverage SOA.” September 22, 2005 7. Goles, T., & Hirschheim, R. (Ed.) (1997). Intranets: The next IS solution? White Paper. Information Systems Research Center, University of Houston. 8. Huang G.Q. & Zhao J.B. 2006. Do It Yourself (DIY) portalets for developing e-business solutions for small and medium enterprises 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Kato, S. 2007. How Information Technology is Changing Business Trends

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