Harris et al. 2014 noted that only two of the assessments included English language learners the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) and the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ), but the standardization processes for these materials is not as complete, because they still have not included the CLD populations in the material they presented. Also it is fundamental to recognize that the practitioners should not utilize standard result scores that it’s sample does not represent the population or the language and does not have provided computational tools. Socioeconomic Inequality in Prevalence and Access to Service.
The socioeconomic inequality in the racial and ethnic minority communities’ Prevalence has not been
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The clinicians having conflicting opinions about the prevalence of ASD, including biases related to prejudice or pattern of the ASD as a diagnoses approach can be classified as a stereotype. Stone, (1987) found “that pediatricians and clinical psychologists endorsed the notion that autism is overrepresented in higher socioeconomic classes” (Cuccaro et al., (1996). Their perspective of role of SES contributes to the disparity in diagnoses of ASD, because their view SES only gives more importance to the population from high SES communities. Begeer et al. (2009) argued that clinicians are less likely to screen CLD children for ASD. These diagnostic biases were consistent across many studies, Cuccaro et al., (1996) discovered evidence of clinicians assigning autism diagnoses more likely to children from high SES than low SES background (Durkin et al., 2010). Cuccaro et al., (1996) also uncovered that autistic disorder (AUT) and learning disability (LD) were significantly more like for high SES groups, that deprived low SES groups from diagnoses and hindrance from identification, a problematic category that is not just …show more content…
(Estrem and Zhang, 2010) “Black children were more likely to be identified with ASD through school sources than through non-school sources.” The school's sources is identifying greater number of students has it’s own bias that is not mostly addressed and contributes to the difference in prevalence, but they are referring the children to service with overloaded cases. Durkin et al., (2010) quotes that “A study found a positive association between SES and risk of ASD based on ascertainment through health care providers, but not based on ascertainment only from school records.” the reason that prevalence rates is higher for low SES and proportionality exists between the health and school sources, because population with low SES cannot afford to go to health care outside the school or the have the arrangement to go to health care in their daily schedule. The difference is due to how the systems are set up; healthcare is not universal in the U.S, but access to school-based services (Durkin et al., 2010). So it is easier for children to identify through this system for placement of special education. Artiles et al., (2005) reiterated “ELLs with Limited LI and L2 showed the highest rates of identification in the special education.” At the same time, this
There is a high degree of social inequality within the United States. Of most modern industrial countries, the United Stated has some of the richest and some of the poorest people to be found. That fact is very disturbing, however, explains why much of the inequality exists in the US. In the following essay I will explain to you about the inequality in our country and why it occurs, based on the theoretical perspectives of a functionalist, conflict theorist, and social interationist.
There are many opportunities in America that can improve one’s wealth and power, thus leading to the mass amount of immigrants coming to American. Most immigrants that come to American usually are categorized as the lower class immigrants, but they take any opportunities to improve their economic status. In an article by Howard P. Chudacoff, it states “immigrants generally chose upward paths that led from manual labor into small proprietorships” (Chudacoff 1982: 104). This explains the reason why immigrants choose to come and stay in America. They start out small as laborers then over time they will work to own a small business. Even though immigrants gets to grow to move from the lower class to the middle class, the natives will be always
I believe that there is too much wealth and income inequality in the United States
...hat the difference in diagnoses among genders may be in part due to the bias of the diagnostic tools. ASDs are diagnosed using a clinical tool called Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) or by using a parent report format with the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) (Goldman, 2013). The child’s expected behaviors in accordance to societal norms for his/her gender, vary greatly depending on whether the child is a male for female, thus generating a gender bias in the diagnostic process. The only widely accepted screening tool to consider gender differences is the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) (Goldman, 2013).
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that effects the brains development. It is characterized by affecting communication, cognition and social interaction. The spectrum of the disorders ranges from a mild condition called Asperger’s syndrome to a more severe form, which severely impairer’s development. The Office of Communications and Public Liaison states that the disorder affects one and eighty-eight children, however ASD effects boys more frequently than girls (Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 2013). ASD emerges in all age, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. The significant varied character and severity of the disorder is why ASD is considered a spectrum that poses a broad range of symptoms.
Wing, L., Gould, J., & Gillberg, C. (2011). Autism spectrum disorders in the DSM-V: Better or worse than the DSM-IV? Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(2), 768-773.
Throughout American history, wealth inequality has taken many different forms, and has affected many people and groups in different ways. In the following analysis, two measures of 'wealth inequalities' will be used. First is a more traditional view, regarding the distribution of income and wealth among the upper to lower classes. The size of the gap has varied over time, widening and compressing throughout American history. While America has been thought of as a middle class nation, this is a fairly recent phenomena that began after World War II. In this context of today, this idea appears to be fading as wealth is becoming more concentrated towards the upper classes. Additionally, these effects of both the concentration and equalization of income distribution can differently affect groups of people.
Ever since agriculture replaced hunting and gathering, the division of labor led to the creation of social classes and the division of land and unequal distribution of food surplus allowing inequality to flourish. Unfortunately, this has not only remained, but inequality has exponentially grown, making the difference between each social class quite noticeable. This distressing factor makes American economy highly unstable, and there is little to be done in order to fix this grave issue. It is only a matter of time before America’s economy comes crashing down. American economic inequality has been around for a long time, and it has become a monumental issue.
Income inequality has affected American citizens ever since the American Dream came to existence. The American Dream is centered around the concept of working hard and earning enough money to support a family, own a home, send children to college, and invest for retirement. Economic gains in income are one of the only possible ways to achieve enough wealth to fulfill the dream. Unfortunately, many people cannot achieve this dream due to low income. Income inequality refers to the uneven distribution of income and wealth between the social classes of American citizens. The United States has often experienced a rise in inequality as the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, increasing the unstable gap between the two classes. The income gap in America has been increasing steadily since the late 1970’s, and has now reached historic highs not seen since the 1920’s (Desilver). UC Berkeley economics professor, Emmanuel Saez conducted extensive research on past and present income inequality statistics and published them in his report “Striking it Richer.” Saez claims that changes in technology, tax policies, labor unions, corporate benefits, and social norms have caused income inequality. He stands to advocate a change in American economic policies that will help close this inequality gap and considers institutional and tax reforms that should be developed to counter it. Although Saez’s provides legitimate causes of income inequality, I highly disagree with the thought of making changes to end income inequality. In any diverse economic environment, income inequality will exist due to the rise of some economically successful people and the further development of factors that push people into poverty. I believe income inequality e...
65 children, 52 boys and 13 girls who were not diagnosed with autism, from 3 different clinics, were used for this study. They were under 3 years of age, they were referred to the clinics due to social and/or language issues, and their parents provided informed consent. The children had also previously had 2 independent diagnostic evaluations. A second group of 37 children were used from this sample, th...
Transportation access for poor people and wealthy people will become more equal. In particular, social justice advocates contended that there was a relationship between social inequality and environmental inequality that needed to be recognized and understood more clearly. When it came to social justice issues, mainstream environmentalist did not focus on environmental inequalities to the extent they should have. The minorities and the poor lived in the most degraded environments. For poor people especially in the village or in a rural places most of them there are no own car. So, most people in that area use their neighbor’s vehicles for transportation. Other than that, in some cases, some people in rural areas which have their
The line was extremely long and people would be camped outside just so they could see a doctor. Many people who were there had serious injuries and sicknesses and hadn’t seen a doctor or dentist in a very long time. One gentleman in particular was so sick that the doctors strongly suggested he go to the emergency room, that his sickness could be fatal. However, in the end, the gentlemen refused to go to the emergency because the medical bill would be extremely high. Income inequality is a social problem because a lot of people in society are affected in a negative way because of it.
These five developmental disorders are commonly known as Autism Spectrum Disorders. “The most common are Autism, Asperger's syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) (www.learningdisabilitiesinfo.com).” Severe Autism, Rett Syndrome, and CDD are usually recognized before a child reaches the age of three. However, high-functioning Autism and Asperger’s are often times not discovered until a child enters school. High-functioning Autism and Asperger’s are frequently compared, considering children with these disorders express the same traits and characteristics. Conversely, the main difference between the two disorders is pragmatics, or language skills. A child with Asperger’s Syndrome is capable of communicating, but due to their social and developmental impairments, they cannot appropriately communicate with their peers. On the other hand, a child with Autism lacks language skills and requires spec...
Many people believe that “having an economy that places a greater value on skills and education is a good thing” and that is the thing that is needed to improve people’s lives and futures (Baicker, Lazear). If what our economy is trying to do a good thing they why are so many students still suffering? The main issues are the low-income education that many students have. Many schools are getting money from the government but that is not enough to pay for everything students need. Educational standards have continued to increase throughout the years but that does not help the students who are unable to pay for the better education. These students who cannot pay for the better education are stuck barely getting by with a low education. A low-education can affect many areas of regular schooling. The students who are at low-income schools do not know what type of disadvantage they have compared to other students across the country. These students believe that they are getting the best education, but there are many students who are getting a better education at a school that has the funds to pay for everything their students need. Low-income students are suffering due to the environment they are in at school and they continue to suffer throughout their life due to it. These students will continue to suffer unless something is done about the low-income schools and improve them for the future. Improvement has to come from all areas, not just one aspect of schooling but from all aspects. Although education has improved along with technology many low-income students still suffer from the vast inequalities. These inequalities will take many years to find a way to fix and even more years to actually fix, until this happens the students will...
Money can buy the wealthy any material item they may want in the world, but is being rich all that it adds up to be? If a people do not like their looks, they can pay to have the surgery done that can change them. If they want to go out and buy a new car, or new vacation house they could without any problems. Peck, Don, Don and Ross proved this with their study result that showed “Americans have become more materialistic over the past three decades”. People’s wealth status typically depends on their social status.