Wealth Inequality

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Wealth Inequality In America Ryan Wallace Throughout American history, wealth inequality has taken many different forms, and has affected many people and groups in different ways. In the following analysis, two measures of 'wealth inequalities' will be used. First is a more traditional view, regarding the distribution of income and wealth among the upper to lower classes. The size of the gap has varied over time, widening and compressing throughout American history. While America has been thought of as a middle class nation, this is a fairly recent phenomena that began after World War II. In this context of today, this idea appears to be fading as wealth is becoming more concentrated towards the upper classes. Additionally, these effects of both the concentration and equalization of income distribution can differently affect groups of people. The second view is with respect to the income and wealth inequality between different racial groups. While all racial groups are subject to class structure and the given income inequality, an additional layer of inequality exists where discrimination or privilege exist. When these two types of inequalities, race and class, are compared against time and the economy, patterns emerge. In the following literature, a link between these two inequalities of class and race will be explored. Furthermore, the analysis will focus on how changing wealth inequality between classes affects the additional inequalities that discrimination and prejudice create. An attempt to explain the relationship of changing wealth inequality over time, with respect to class and race. The basis for this concept, begins with the causes of prejudice. While there are many causes that relate to prejudice, the context ... ... middle of paper ... ... be said about the overall effects of wealth inequality? As supported previously, income inequality among different racial groups will be more intense than if it were solely based on the changes in class income inequality. This is because minority groups are affected by racial inequality in addition to the affects of class. The results are shown through the processes involved in the Great Compression, the reduction in inequality, and its counterpart the Great Divergence, where equality increases. The link between wealth inequalities among race and class has been explored, through the logic that prejudice can be influenced by relative depravation from the current economic climate. Over a process involving almost 80 years of American economic history, the cycle of income inequalities have been reviewed and examined, showing patterns of compression and divergence.

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