Socialized Medicine Research Paper

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Socialized Medicine two words that strikes fear in a large percent of Americans and an even larger percent of insurance companies. Socialized Medicine is defined as “a health care system in which the government owns and operates health care facilities and employs the health care professionals, thus also paying for all health care services.” The United Kingdom is one of the several countries in the western world that uses a socialized system to provide health care to its citizens. The NHS or National Health Service was “established July 5, 1948,” following World War II. During that time period, there was a massive increase in patients suffering illnesses, injury and in desperate need of different types of health services. The NHS sought to change the outlook of health care. “Health care was a right, …show more content…

In the old health system, general practitioners were available to workers on low pay for free but did not cover their families and “workers with a better standard of living or retired workers were also not covered.” “Hospital care was slow by today’s standards, and the length of stay being numbered in weeks.” This greatly decreased the availability of beds in a main health care facility. Voluntary hospitals were used to facilitate some patients which included veterans, the mentally ill and elderly. To fix the standards care for everyone across all area of health care the NHS distribute the financial burden. The National Health Service is “financed almost 100% from central taxation.” The amount of taxation was based on your how much you made, “The rich paid more than the poor for comparable benefits.” NHS overall benefited everyone, you could be referred to any hospital, see any doctor and “even people with temporary resident would be eligible for health

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