Health Care: Enforcing the Social Contract

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Health care is an uprising issue today in the United States. I believe in order for health care or the medical field to succeed in the future that social contract should be enforced. By enforcing social contract, it will allow health care to be more efficient by allowing individuals to assume responsibility for their own healthy by having the ability to ensure health. According to The Enduring Democracy book, " from the philosophy of Jean- Jacques Rousseau, an agreement people make with one another to form a government and abide by its rules and laws, an in return the government promises to protect the people’s rights and welfare and promote their best interest"(Dautrich, 7). In other words, if people came to an agreement about health care being available for all American citizens, the government will uphold this idea and will make sure all American citizens have the right to health care. The U.S. Constitution is a good foundation for implementing health care for people all over the world and article 1 section 8 clause 1 explains the power of government when it comes to health care. According to the Enduring Democracy book, "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States..." (Dautrich, C-5). In other words, the government has the power to allow everyone the right to health care since our taxes are already being collect for the common defense and general welfare. General welfare refers to health care in which the government may provide. Occupational Safety and Health Administration also known as OSHA is a U.S. regulatory agency that is used to implement the safety of employees, patients and the enviro... ... middle of paper ... Nielsen, Ronald P. OSHA Regulations And Guidelines : A Guide For Health Care Providers. Albany, NY: Delmar, 2000. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 4 Feb. 2014. "THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT CASES." OYEZ. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. . "The Bill of Rights: A Transcription." National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2014. "The Constitution of the United States: Amendments 11-27." National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014. "U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home Active Legislation." U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home Active Legislation. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2014.

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