Socialization And Culture

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From the time of hunters and gatherers, the some of the thing that has accompanied the human race is culture and society. Culture and society evolves just as humans have evolved from early hominids to modern humans. Every society is bound to have their own culture, which is the learned or shared attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and values a group or society upholds. A society and its culture are mutually dependent; one cannot exist without the other because humans tend to interact and form emotional ties to those around them. Every individual is linked to a society by socialization and thus to a culture which is made up of four major building blocks that include symbols, language, values, and norms and can be classified into two groups, a material culture and a non-material culture
Socialization plays a key role in linking individuals to a society and a culture. Socialization is "the lifelong process of social interaction in which the individual acquires a social identity and ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that are essential for effective participation in a society" (Benokraitis, 2014). Each individual interacts with others in their society thus practicing socialization. Social interaction between humans is an essential part in human development. With socialization, "individuals become integrated members of society by learning and internalizing the relevant roles and statuses of the groups to which they belong" (Gecas, 2001). When the individuals feel that they are part of a society they start to become accustomed the same beliefs, views, and values as the people around them thus adapt and accept the society's culture.
One of the four major building blocks of culture is symbols. Symbols are "anything that stands for someth...

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