Social Work Reflection Paper

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The past and present social work services that I have done to make an impact is that, I was chosen to lead a school based elementary school requested group for African American females with social and behavioral problems. The focus of the group was developing positive peer relationships and self-esteem. The girls worked hard and developed skills over the course of the year. At the conclusion of the school year, this group of children had shown improvement and the school and I concluded the group with a wonderful celebration. In addition, I also worked as a school based on-site therapist with one of the local and lower performing elementary schools. I provided consultation, modeling, and education to teachers and staff regarding modifications and strategies to best teach and interact with students who have special behavioral and academic needs. I also responded to crisis situations that arose at the school, including severe aggression and threats. The specialized area of study within social work that I would like to serve after earning my doctoral degree, is with children between the ages of five to seventeen that have been diagnosed with are Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I would like to help them reach attainable socially and developmentally appropriate goals while also tailoring strategies to create an independent transitional program to help youth maintain success within each goal. I would like to focus their treatment on a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and relationship building strategies. Over the past seven years I have worked with youth who have these disorders and have learned that they have a desire to help themselves without the requirement of e... ... middle of paper ... ...stay health they end up back in the hospital, but this time without the help of their insurance company to pay for your stay in the hospital. The United States plans to use the Affordable Care Act to help elevate this problem. The way that social workers can help with the Affordable Care Act is to lobby law makers to help them understand the importance of Medicaid and the services that having Medicaid pays for especially for mental health services. We can speak out against proposals to increase Medicare’s retirement age and oppose efforts to reduce subsidies that will enable low-income individuals to buy health insurance or water down the essential benefits plans must offer. Another issue to help address is the public’s lack of understanding of the ACA. Social workers can play a critical role in helping make our clients aware of the benefits available to them.

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