Social Problems During The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution began in the mid eighteenth century (1750) and ran through to the early twentieth century. The revolution began in Great Britain and spread rapidly across Europe and America forever changing the world. It modified the way people both worked and lived. During the revolution social changes in agriculture and technological changes in the production of goods occurred. Revolutionary ideas also saw Great Britain become a dominant world power at the time. Despite the early social problems of atrocious living and working conditions created by the industrial revolution its long-term social reforms including; the Factory Act of 1883 outweighed the short-term issues that were encountered. During this period of dramatic change the industrial revolution was responsible for some of the worst working conditions known to man, particularly for young child that were forced into a child labour work environment. Many advancements during the industrial revolution included agriculture, technology and factories, which assisted Britain to become a greater country, but such advancements came at a cost to those employed to work in times of change. The social problems of the working conditions included some of the harshest situations in the period of time. Children were forced into working in unsafe conditions and hazardous environments particularly in the mines. In modern society today, working is quite safe. Governments today have made new laws which state that employees must look after each other in the work place, during the industrial revolution these laws did not exist. “People worked at the age of 14 to 16 hours a day for 6 days a week. However the majority were unskilled workers, who only received about $8-$10 a week, work... ... middle of paper ... [Accessed 01 May 2014]. • 1833 Factory Act | The National Archives. 2014. 1833 Factory Act | The National Archives. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 May 2014] • "Working and Living Conditions during the Industrial Revolution." flashcards. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. . • "Working and Living Conditions." The Industrial Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. . • British Industrial Revolution. 2014. British Industrial Revolution. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 May 2014]

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