Social Media Mental Health

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Social Media and its Effects on Mental Health Social media has increased at a rapid pace the past ten years due to its easy use and how cheap it is. With social media you can contact your friends or family that may have moved away, see what your friends and family are doing, or in other cases some people use social media to cyberbully people causing them to have harmful thoughts, sleep deprivation, anxiety and depression, do drugs or commit suicide. What is anxiety? Anxiety is where you worry or feel uneasy about everything. What is depression? When somebody has depression they feel down like they don’t want to do anything, a standstill in life. People are addicted to social media like you would be addicted to a drug. They don’t have assurance …show more content…

“We are at the age of privacy, social medias like snapchat and telegram delete messages after being read” John Biggs “Social Media is No longer a Safe place” (1). Cyberbullying is when a person or a group, bullies someone through social media sending bad pictures or threatening texts. In the past kids could escape bullies by leaving that area it is happening at. The kids that are now being cyberbullied can’t escape it, like kids could back in the olden days. It’s everywhere they go Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter even texting. Cyberbullying can even cause bullying off the internet, in the hallways of school. Teachers witness it they don’t do anything. Those kids that are being cyberbullied try to tell other people what is happening but due to the fact that it’s online the school system can’t do anything even if you have proof and witnesses of it happening. School websites should state what their policies are, what rules do they have, and what can happen if a student bullies or does something else that’s mean. We can’t keep going off of what other parents say about the school. “There are no federal laws at this time that address bullying or cyberbullying. But bullying does overlap with discriminatory harassment if it is based upon race, color, sex, age, religion, or disability. In some cases federal stalking charges can be brought against offenders.” in the article “Cyberbullying +

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