Social Location Essay

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James Henslin (2015) defines social location as “the corners in life that people occupy because of their place in a society” (p.2). Also it states that “sociologist look at how jobs, income, education, gender, race-ethnicity, and age affects people ideas and behavior.”(p.2). As being 18 and still living with my parents, defining my social class would be middle class and I am very lucky to be in the middle class because it's not the best and definitely not the worst. My parents have always provided me with what I need to get by and survive. I have a roof over my head, 3 meals a day, and even my own car. Being middle class ties into the social location because it shows the that society labels us by groups with our family or own income in which that can “label” our place in society. My job influences my life in the social location. In today's society, most teenagers can't start working for a company until they are 16 but, however, in my parents society they were able to start working whenever. Like for instance, my …show more content…

I have always been taught that just because someone has a different skin color does not mean that they are different, they can do just about anything and everything anyone else can. The society that I grew up in helped me make that social aspect. For example, Du Bois was not allowed to eat or room with white sociologists and yet the only difference between him and other sociologist was the skin color. (Henslin 2015) As I read through this chapter, I now see all of the different aspects of “social location”and how it affects my views on society and my behavior. Everyone will have a different view of this, by the way that they were raised and influenced by family and peers. So far I would have to say my social location is good the way it now, but it will always tend to grow as I move out and start my own family, start my career and meet new people throughout my

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