Social Justice And Social Injustice

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So how does one eliminate these social injustices? One would think that is it easy to just stop the behaviors and actions that cause theses injustices. But, how can this be achieved if the individuals and groups violating these rights are not aware that these are in fact violations of civil rights. One must not sit in silence, but create the voice of change. Social Workers and community officials should encourage and empower the community. The citizens and disenfranchise must be the catalyst for Social Justice and restore rights granted by the constitution. In order to seek social justice, one must comprehend the social justice system perspective. This perspective requires observation of a person in an environment and the interactions …show more content…

It is the one thing that is constant in this world. Social change, no matter how small is absolutely necessary when correcting social injustices. One must first self-reflect on what steps have been made to make the world a better place, write wrongs, and assisting the disenfranchised populations while knowing it is being done for the good of the community. When doing so, one must also understand that self may not be top priority. There are six major factors for social change. The first major factor is the physical environment. Mother Nature and geographical changes may produce unforeseen changes. History books are filled with data on great civilizations that have vanished due to the physical environment. Daily life and activity continues to be influenced by this factor (Mondal, 2014). The second factor is demographics which are biological data generally used for statistical records. It is believed that the social structure of society correlates with the change of size and composition of that society. Composition of population is measured by age, marital status, race, social economic status, and but not limited to literacy (Mondal, 2014). Demographics also tend to be the basis or source for discriminations and profiling. The identification and isolation of differences lead to intentional and unintentional injustices. However, research shows that there is a significant relationship between fluctuation within the population …show more content…

Culture can be simply defined as beliefs, arts, customs, behavior, or ways of thinking that are passed down from one generation to the next. Cultural changes involve social change, and social systems are founded on the creations of cultural values. Culture is said to guide the direction of social change while setting its own boundaries. It is believe that cultural change affects society by discovery and invention as well as diffusion and bowering (Mondal, 2014). For example, the creation of the wheel began the start of a transportation revolution. One culture often adopts concepts from another, thus making no two cultures alike. Individuals assimilate to environments, and countries even borrow ideas such as technology to make it their

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