Social Issues In Brazil

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Brazil was first “discovered” on April 22nd, 1500 by a fleet of portuguese settlers, on a ship commanded by Portuguese diplomat Pedro Cabral that was making its journey to India. When Pedro first set eyes on the land he first assumed it was a small size island. However, they came to find it was quite large, and inhabited with native people. Brazil was attractive for many Europeans such as the French, the Dutch, and the Spanish due to its resources such as red-dye wood, gold and silver, sugar, and precious stones. On December 7th, 1822, the country declared its independence from portugal and became its own country.

Brazil is the largest country located in South America, and has a border of the Atlantic Ocean. Its size is only slightly smaller than the United States of America. Approximately 2/5ths of the country consists of the Amazon River, and the Amazon Lowlands is the world's largest rainforest. The Northern area is where one will find the mountains known as the Brazilian Highlands. Their climate is generally tropical, but can be temperate in some areas in the …show more content…

Poverty is a dominant aspect to their social issues. Visitors of the country say that the poverty issue is quite visible. Brazil has slums in their metropolitan area, also known as “favelas”. There are also more remote areas with financially lacking families. However Brazil is working towards improving this with government funding and community programs to help aid the less fortunate, and to encourage young children to gain access to education, as it would aid in future income capabilities with a higher education. Crime can also be a major issue. Common forms include mugging, robbing, gang violence and kidnapping. Many citizens have issues with Brazilians form on law enforcement, which deters them away fro reporting things to the police. The government the created the National Public Security force to handle emergencies and crime instead of the

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