Social Issues: Frontal Lobe Development

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Social Issues
One of the main social issues that an individual during young adulthood may face concerns the frontal lobe development and rational decision making. The frontal lobe is located under the forehead and is responsible for controlling reasoning, planning, voluntary movement, and some aspects of speech (McNeely and Blanchard, 2009). The prefrontal cortex is associated with complex cognitive skills that include being able to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, suppressing impulses, identifying future consequences of their current activities, and recognizing the difference between what is considered good and bad (McNeely and Blanchard, 2009). In other words, rational decision making is limited until the frontal lobe is fully developed. …show more content…

Counseling, support, and education would be a primary focus as social work interventions. All three areas are crucial for our society to provide to young adults to see more success.
Counseling could be utilized as a way to guide young adults though the complex issues an individual may face during this stage of life. Young adults may require counseling to guide them through the transition of a high school student living at home to college student living mostly independently and away from the familiarity and structure of the family unit. This counseling could come from high school or college social workers or from private therapy organizations.
Support may come to the young adult in the form of positive peer relationships, access to supportive resources, and positive role models. Peer relationships could be formed with involvement in campus social groups, or by forming relationships with co-workers. Young adults may find it helpful to become active members of their community by joining volunteer groups or engaging in community activism. Positive role models may help young adults make and reach goals for themselves. Not all young adults come from supportive family environments or communities. Finding a positive adult role model may provide the young adult with inspiration to make more rational decisions that would positively impact their lives. Lastly, young adults should have access to supportive organizations such as Planned Parenthood, 12 Step programs, or young adult peer support groups to offer them additional support in lifestyle

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