Neuroscience And Social Work Essay

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Neuroscience and Social Work
Neuroscience and social work how do they relate? For many people, when they hear the term social worker, they automatically think of child welfare and food stamps, yet no one thinks of a social worker being a psychiatrist or a counselor even though these are considered social work as well. This is how neuroscience and social work might be related. Social work is a practice-based occupation that promotes social adjustment, growth, and social structure. The main beliefs of social work are social integrity, civil liberties, combined responsibility and respect for diversities. There are many types of social workers, such as family services worker, psychiatrist, and many types of counselors.
Most people think that …show more content…

It is suggested that the link between neuroscience and behavior is the revolutionary technology and that clinicians accustomed with the essentials of these disciplines will be better prepared to "integrate pharmacological, behavioral, and social work technologies into a comprehensive treatment plan" (Ellinwood, …show more content…

It is the one thing in charge of the human experience. Therefor Rutledge states that since social workers work with patrons to aid the modification of their point of view, emotional state, and behavior, it remains to reason that social workers should concern themselves with the structure of the brain and how it functions. Rutledge also suggests that the social workers need to know how the brain grows, how it works, and what may be the cause of it to not be functioning properly, because just like any other body part, such as the heart or lungs, the brain can get sick. So there for social workers need a model for brain based social work (Rutledge, Nicholas, MSW, LCSW,

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