Neuromancer Essay

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Gabriel Logreira
Professor Crockett
3 August 2015
Fiction can be defined as a type of literature in the form of writing styles particularly in novels and short stories which usually depicts imaginary people and events. Many writers in the 21st century employ fiction in their works of art. The use of fiction in writing is very successful for it manages to capture the full attention of the audience and accomplish its purpose. Literary fiction is generated by the imagination and not usually presented as a fact. Even though, it may be based on true situations or stories. In various stories such as William Gibson’s Neuromancer, science fiction has been greatly used to accomplish various purposes. The Neuromancer is a composite novel that talks about the future technology in computers and the effect it will have on the lives of the humankind. It is an extremely interesting narrative …show more content…

Within his work of fiction Gibson depicts not only what the future of technology may hold, but also a number of the negative externalities which affect social interaction and human nature directly. In actual fact, Gibson majors almost completely on the negative characteristics that are brought about by technology which is contrary to his matrix. Gibson completely ignores to represent any constructive features of modern technology. The world of “Neuromancer” appears to be completely developed with regards to technology. Nevertheless, upon deeper examination this is not entirely the case. There is no confirmation of triumphant technology in Gibson’s narrative. Neuromancer’s society freely allows itself to be ruled by technology directly. They come up with astonishing technologies and then use them for wrong doing and personal gain more willingly than for their societal well

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