So You Want to be a Game Programmer?

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So You Want to be a Game Programmer?

So, you're interested in becoming a computer game programmer?

Congratulations! Game programming is one of the most difficult,

challenging, and cool forms of programming. If you have a genuine

talent for it, you have excellent career prospects. Imagine getting

paid an entry-level salary of $40,000 for something you actually enjoy

doing. When you were a kid did your parents tell you that you'll never

amount to anything if you waste your time on computer games? Well,

here's your chance to show them that you were right and they were


There is currently only one way of getting a job as a games

programmer, and that is to write a game - or more properly, write what

is known in the industry as a game demo. These days, a typical

commercial game might take 100,000 lines of C++ code written by a team

of 3 programmers over a period of 18 months with a budget of a million

dollars. As a novice game programmer, you are obviously not going to

be able to compete in that arena. But you can and should write a fully

functional game of about 10,000 lines of C++ code that shows off what

you do best. Game companies are less interested in your resume than in

what you have done. So write a game, burn it on a CD, and send it to

the game companies that you would like to work for. If they like it,

you may strike it lucky.

So where are you going to get the knowledge to write your game demo?

One way is to get a college degree in Computer Science. Do you have to

have a college degree to get a job programming games? Not necessarily,

but things are changing as the industry matures. You can get a job by

programming a drop-dead game demo, but many companies are looking for

employees who have produced great games and have college degrees. This

makes sense because college is a place where you can get the

background knowledge that you need to be a competitive game

programmer. If you are fortunate, it can also be a place to meet

creative people who can join and support you in your quest.

Choosing a College

A degree in Computer Science will help you on your way to becoming a

game programmer, but you must choose your college very carefully. Go

visit the Computer Science Department. You want one that is vigorous,

active, exciting, and provides a comprehensive education. Look for a

department with at least 15 full-time tenure-track faculty, and

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