Isaac Newton Research Paper

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Isaac Newton was a Physicist and did a little in mathematics and optics (the study of sight and behavior of light.) On the day of January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire Sir Isaac Newton was born. Isaac Newton was named after his father who died three months before his son Sir Isaac Newton was born. Isaac Newton’s mother was Hannah Ayscough, who later married to a minister of a church named Barnabas Smith, Who died in 1653. At age two Isaac Newton lived with his grandmother Margery Ayscough. Isaac Newton later died at age 84 on March 31, 1727 in London. Even though Isaac Newton was destined to be a great scientist he was thought to be controversial, due to his relationship with his peers.
Isaac Newton attended a Free Grammar School in the city of Grantham, but had no liking for it. Sir Isaac Newton was later taken out to run his mother’s estate, but like the Grammar School he had not taken interest in it. Later on Isaac’s uncle convinced him to go back to the Free Grammar School in 1960. A year later he went to Trinity College Cambridge to study Aristotle, …show more content…

Many people did not agree with Newton’s theory, so he did a experiment with a glass prism and held it up to light causing it to refract the white light in to the color spectrum. Isaac Newton invented a reflecting telescope in 1672 and a sextant that was rediscovered in 1731 by John Hadley and Thomas Godfrey. In 1672 Newton was elected “Fellow of the Royal Society” for his paper on light and color. One of Newton’s greatest theory is the universal gravitation. Isaac Newton also discovered the three laws of motion. Isaac Newton wrote a book on universal gravitation called “Principia” or “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ”, Witch some historians say is the greatest scientific book ever made. Isaac Newton ended his life in argument with Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz over who invented

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