The Life of Sir Isaac Newton

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Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, England where he grew up. His father, also named Isaac Newton, was a prosperous farmer who died three months before Isaacs’s birth. Isaac was born premature; he was very tiny and weak and wasn’t expected to live (bio). When he was three his mother, Hannah, remarried a priest named Barnabus Smith and moved in with him leaving Isaac to live with his grandparents. He became a very insecure, exhibited boy and displayed irrational behavior (bio). His grandfather died when he was ten so his grandmother made him learn the alphabet and read the Bible even though most people were illiterate (Krull l6). Even though his grandparents raised him, Isaac wasn’t close to them and never mentioned his grandmother’s death (Krull 15).

Isaac was reunited with his mom when he was twelve years old; she had three small children from her second husband who was deceased. By that time, he was enrolled at King’s School in Grantham where he was first introduced to chemistry (Bio). His mother, who wanted her son to be like his father, pulled Isaac out of school to make him a farmer but he failed because he found farming to be boring. He returned to school and finished basic education. Then his uncle, a professor got him enrolled at Cambridge University. During his first three years, he was taught standard curriculum, but was more fascinated with advanced science and chemistry (Bio). After being there three years, in October 1665, a plague epidemic forced Cambridge University to close and Isaac returned home to Woolsthorpe. During this time is when he did research and conceived the method of infinitesimal calculus, and set foundations for his theory of light and color. It is also believed that during...

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...doms Amended, his biblical chronology around the time of his death. He died a painful death at age eighty-five in 1727 from a lung inflammation called gout and kidney stones. He was buried in Westminster Abbey; it was a big funeral and he was referred to as “the glory of the British nation” (Krull 109). His monument reads,” Let mortals rejoice that there has existed such and so great an ornament of the human race (Krull 109). He is still recognized as one of the most brilliant human beings to ever live and he made a great contribution to physics and to what scientist know now days.

Works Cited

isaac newton.biography." bio true history. 1996. Web. 12 Dec. 2013

"isaac newton." bbc history. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.

"newton,isaac." 1996. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.

Krull, kathleen. isaac newton. new york city, NY: penguin group, 2006. Print

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