Sleep disorders

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There are various different sleep disorders. The most common sleep disorder is insomnia. A person suffering with insomnia struggles in one of the following areas of sleep: falling asleep, staying asleep throughout the night, or not being able to fall back asleep after waking. People with insomnia can feel lethargic and not alert because it prevents them from achieving restorative sleep. Possible causes for insomnia include physical illness, emotional issues such as stress, anxiety or depression, and substance abuse. Going to bed stressed out with worries and concerns on your mind can also lead to insomnia. When one worries, the body becomes aroused and that can disrupt normal sleep. Also, thinking you must get a full night’s sleep can raise one’s anxiety level, which makes it more difficult to fall asleep. One remedy for insomnia is to not try too “force” sleep. A potential remedy for insomnia is to engage in cognitive-behavioral techniques that focus on changing problem sleep habits.
The next sleep disorder is narcolepsy. People with narcolepsy experience periods of intense daytime sleepiness and sudden, bouts of sleep that can occur at any time of the day. These bouts of sleep are called sleep attacks. “Sleep attacks” can last a few seconds or several minutes. Narcolepsy can significantly disrupt ones daily activities. Someone who suffers from narcolepsy may fall asleep while working, talking, eating etc. A narcoleptic episode usually lasts approximately 15 minutes. In a typical sleep cycle, we initially enter the NREM stages before we enter REM sleep. For those who suffer from narcolepsy, REM sleep occurs almost immediately after an attack. In addition to daytime sleepiness, other symptoms may include terrifying hallucinations ...

... middle of paper ... remember parts of the dream. The remedy for night terrors is that most children grow out of the disorder by adolescence.
Sleepwalking disorder can be characterized by walking, or performing other activities, while seemingly still asleep. Sleepwalking disorder is more prevalent in children than adults. Approximately 5 percent of children have the disorder. The disorder originates during deep, dreamless sleep and results in walking or performing other elaborate actions while staying asleep. During the episode, the sleepwalker stays asleep while walking around with their eyes wide open. While often the people aren’t injured while sleepwalking, accidents can happen. It is common that the sleepwalker does not remember anything the next morning. It is not dangerous to wake a sleepwalker, although it is normal for the person to be disoriented or confused upon awakening.

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