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Research paper on narcolepsy
Narcolepsy research paper essay
Research papers on narcolepsy
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Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that inhibits a person's ability to function normally in society. Narcolepsy causes a person to fall asleep, almost spontaneously, regardless of the situation they are in. The sufferer could be at school, work, or a grocery store, and suddenly experience an intense haze of drowsiness. Suddenly the sensation overcomes the narcoleptic, and they fall victim to sleep. Usually this sleep state lasts for only a few moments, with the narcoleptic waking almost as quickly as they had fallen asleep. In other instances, the sleep state lasts for minutes; the narcoleptic waking up is not aware they had fallen asleep, they may also become frightened, or confused about events that happened prior to their "sleep attack." About 200,000 people in the United States have narcolepsy, making it a serious mental illness (narcolepsynetwork.org). Despite the number of people who have this disorder, however, only a small amount of information is available on narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a fascinating disease that is looked over by society, if narcolepsy awareness becomes more wide-spread, then people will have a reason to pay attention to how serious this sleep-disorder really is. …show more content…
Orexin is a hormone that regulates appetite and plays an especially vital role in sleep (Schenck, 2007). An Orexin deficiency usually is the result of some abnormality in the gene HLA-DQB1*06:02.
that Narcolepsy is possible to pass down to one's offspring (EIF3G is associated with narcolepsy across ethnicities Anja Holm et.
... helps to peak one’s interest in the topic of narcolepsy. Furthermore, Siegel did not make the article to be overly scientifically based so that understanding the concepts was uncomplicated. Siegels’ information, on the other hand, does not entirely match that found in the Carlson text as it states that narcolepsy is a genetic disorder. Additionally Carlson states that a study showed that many narcoleptic patients lacked orexin in their cerebral spinal fluid. This lack of correspondence causes each source to be put into question. Both sources provide evidence to back their claims, however, so it is obvious that further research is essential to our understanding of narcolepsy.
THESIS STATEMENT: Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that has a specific medical definition, life-changing symptoms, and there are ways in how people treat it.
Imagine you are in a boring lecture and you start to drift to sleep, usually you can manage to force yourself to wake up. This may be common occurrence but try to imagine falling asleep while driving or walking. These situations seem more rare. A narcoleptic’s body doesn’t care what it is doing when it goes into these paralyzed sleeping episodes. The sudden overwhelming feeling drives the narcoleptic person to fall asleep. One type of episode that they experience is called cataplexy, which is usually caused by some stressful situation or other common activities such as laughing or running (6). During these periods the person suffers from muscle weakness and paralysis. Although the person appears to be sleeping, they are still conscious, but unable to move. They can hear and feel but cannot react to stimulation. For this reason narcolepsy is a very dangerous condition to have without receiving treatment because serious vehicle accidents can result as well as an general inability to succeed in school (6).
Millions of people suffer from the same tossing and turning every which way, getting their sheets all disarranged and their minds abundantly worse. Patients often report indications of insomnia while sitting in the family health clinic. Insomnia traits include hindrance, falling asleep, continuing to awaken, and rejuvenating before wanted. One may suffer from insomnia if one shows signs of an increased difficulty in attentiveness, decreased communal or scholastic skills, and a diminished mood or enthusiasm. Foldvary-Schaefer 111.
To figure out what causes narcolepsy scientists did experiments on animals. Specifically dogs and mice. These animals had narcolepsy and upon investigation there was a genetic mutation that was noticed throughout some of the animals that made them narcoleptic. The dogs that had the mutation also had a “deficiency in a receptor for hypocientiny the neurotransmitter that blocks communication between brain cells, particularly messages about when the body should be awake.” (R. Ballie magazine article) The scientists found that if they injected the dogs with hypocretin it could reverse narcolepsy. This is a good but does not mean that there is cure for the disorder because humans are much more complex than dogs and mice.
The symptoms they studied long ago are the symptoms of narcolepsy that we now know today. Westphal was the first doctor who clinically described narcolepsy as a physical disorder due to loss of muscle control. The term “narcolepsy” was first discovered in 1880 by Jean Baptiste E. Gelineau, a neuropsychiatrist in France, who recognized a group of patients who had irresistible sleep triggered by strong emotions (Khran, 2001). To create the name of this sleep disorder, he combined the Greek words, narke (numbness, stupor) and lepsis (an attack, seizure). In 1902, the term “cataplexy”, was created by a physician named Loëwenfeld.
Narcolepsy has been above looked for years beforehand knowing a patient has the illness, it is a quickly producing awareness and is continually altering people and their families lives. With nap materializing to be not merely the ultimate pastime, but additionally a survival imperative, the earth of nap scutiny is quite large, bragging countless disparate spans of study. By scrutinizing phenomena like nap disorders neurobiologists can yearn to comprehend the mechanisms of normative nap, in supplement to perfecting treatment for suffers. Narcolepsy is one such disorder that affects an approximated 250, 000 or 1 in 2000 Americans; comparable numbers are approximated for Parkinson's or countless sclerosis (mayo-foundation). An comprehensive, nevertheless oftentimes misdiagnosed illness (fewer than 50, 000 are cognizant of their condition), narcolepsy can be delineated by chronic daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, nap paralysis, and hypanogic hallucinations (rare-disease). The last three of the tetrad of symptoms additionally transpire in non-narcoleptic individuals; nap episodes are the main determinant in diagnosis. Merely 20 to 25 percent of narcoleptics tolerate from all four symptoms (mayo-foundation). This paper has countless goals, all of that involve elucidating the illness and its symptoms in disparate contexts. In order to do this nap will main be elucidated in a slight detail, pursued by a biological and psychological treatment of narcolepsy. Scutiny of narcolepsy and its implications for the upcoming displays steps to be grabbed in order to garner a larger understanding this particular brain/behavior relationship.
Second is short term insomnia less than 3 weeks caused by personal stress of an ongoing
According to the history, Sleep Paralysis was classified as nightmare, a term that evolved into our modern definition by Samuel Johnson. It was widely considered to be the work of the demons, which were thought to sit on the chest of the sleeper. Various forms of magic and spiritual possession were also advanced as causes. But Sleep Paralysis can occur in the state between REM sleep, where dreaming occurs, and waking up. During REM sleep, the brain paralyses the body in order to keep us away from carrying out our dream-actions that could harm ourselves somehow. At times, our brain does not put off these dreams or the paralysis that comes along with them, resulting in a potentially terrifying experience. Sleep paralysis had been linked to disorders such as migraines, anxiety disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea. But when linked to another disorder, sleep paralysis commonly occurs together with the neurological sleep disorder called Narcolepsy. David McCarty, a sleep researcher at Louisiana State Health University, explained that in sleep paralysis, two of the key REM sleep components are presen...
There are three forms of sleep paralysis. Ramsawh (2005) found that when it occurs in non-narcoleptic individuals it is known to as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP). Another form is referred to as familial sleep paralysis, in which it is similar to ISP, but genetically transmitted (Levitt, 2009). The final form of sleep paralysis is narcoleptic sleep paralysis, which occurs as a symptom of Narcolepsy (Levitt, 2009). Isolated sleep paralysis episodes are characteristic with “infrequent attacks and a negative family history”, and familial sleep paralysis with “more frequent attacks and a positive family history” (Powell, 1998, p. 239). Each form of sleep paralysis is unique and different in the causes and symptoms they possess.
Sleep paralysis is a condition that occurs at either the onset or upon awakening of sleep. The medical terms for the two forms of sleep paralysis are hypnogogic and hypnopompic (1). When a person falls asleep, the body secretes hormones that relax certain muscles within the body, causing it to go into paralysis. Doing this prevents the body from acting out a person's dream, which could result in an injury. Sleep paralysis generally runs within one's family or in those who suffer from narcolepsy (2), but there is currently no explanation for why some people get it while others do not.
To begin I’d like to describe what Narcolepsy actually is, and if you are like me you haven’t the slightest idea. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes, “excessive sleepiness, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and in some cases episodes of cataplexy (partial or total loss of muscle control, often triggered by a strong emotion such as laughter).” Which means that you cannot control when or where you fall asleep, you are delusional, have very vivid nightmares, or sudden muscle twinges. While many people are diagnosed at early ages, some don’t recognize the symptoms until adulthood. “ Narcolepsy is diagnosed
Types of Synesthesia Imagine hearing a color, tasting a shape, or even feeling a sound. Many people can actually experience this because they have been diagnosed with a condition called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when the stimulation of one sense produces the sensation of another sense (“What is Synesthesia”). Synesthesia, which means joined perception, comes from the word syn meaning together and the word aisthesis meaning perception (“Synesthesia”). Synesthesia can come in many forms and affect a number of the senses at one time.
Sleep is a very important factor in the human function. Our body and brain is able to reset itself and rejuvenate while we sleep. When we do not get the required amount of sleep, we start to feel lethargic and foggy minded, because our mind and body wasn’t able to replenish itself. Sleep is imperative that an insignificant rest deficiency or lack of sleep can affect our ability to remember things; decisions and can affect our temperament. Chronic sleep deficiency can get the body to feel agitated and it could lead to serious health problems such as, heart problems, stress, acne, and obesity.
Wells, M., & Vaughn, B. V. (2012). Poor Sleep Challenging the Health of a Nation. Neurodiagnostic Journal,52(3), 233-249.