Sleep Persuasive Speech

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Hi stemians! My article for you today discusses the importance of children getting adequate sleep. The human body needs to get plenty of rest to function properly. Sleep is needed to keep us healthy. As a teacher, I constantly see students come to school who are tired because they didn't get a full night of rest. Because of this, they have problems staying awake in class, don't do as well on their schoolwork, and are unenthusiastic about being at school.


# Children Need Sleep To Maintain Health
The amount of sleep children need is different than the amount adults need. Young infants require more sleep than older children. Children need to get plenty of sleep to aid them in growth and development. They need sleep to be able to function properly when at school and during daily activities. How much rest a child needs depends on their age. Children under 5 years old usually need more time sleeping than children ages 5 to 10 years old.

It is not a healthy practice to let children go to bed at midnight. Even if a child claims to not be sleepy or is busy watching television, parents should enforce a proper bedtime. Irregular sleep patterns can have negative impacts on the body and mind of a child. Children who don’t get enough sleep wake up with a gloomy face and may be moody. Parents may have a hard …show more content…

For young children (under the age of 5), naps may be needed to ensure they get enough rest. Young children may get tired out easily after playing and need naps to feel re-energized. Kids should also be put to bed at a decent hour at night. Midnight is considered very late for a bedtime so put your children to bed earlier to ensure they get enough sleep before the early morning hours when older children go to school. You’ll find that children who get a good nights sleep wake up early more easily, are more eager to go to school, will perform better in school, and will not feel drowsy during their

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