Sleep Apnea: The Psychological Effects

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Sleep Apnea: The Psychological Effects

Sleep apnea is becoming increasingly more concerning for the association this sleep disorder poses to the psychological effects on people. Sleep deprivation is only one example of the effects caused by this medical condition which could be related to increased anxiety and depression. Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea without even realizing the sleep disorder is creating a problem. There has been significant progress in identifying sleep apnea, especially obstructive sleep apnea, and creating successful methods to help individuals more easily live with it. The thought of losing breath while sleeping without knowing this is occurring can intimidate an individual and his or her family. Studies reveal the link between sleep apnea and the psychological effects it causes which can include anxiety, depression, relationship problems, lack of dreams, and other issues. Other factors to consider related to the research of sleep apnea include culture, gender, age, obesity, and habits including smoking and drinking.

These factors are relevant to the psychological effects sleep apnea can have on people. Using research available and a discovery of links between psychological effects caused and related to sleep apnea reveal pertinent information helpful to people living with this medical condition. Sleep apnea is defined as brief periods of recurrent cessation of breathing during sleep caused by obstruction of the airway or a disturbance in the brain's respiratory center and is associated especially with excessive daytime sleepiness. Obstructive sleep apnea is defined as sleep apnea caused by recurring interruption of breathing during sleep due to obstruction usually of the upper airway especi...

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...ny new problem he or she may notice in the body. If people choose to ignore problems like sleep deprivation, then it will eventually cause bigger problems and lead to more serious issues. Researchers will continue studies and hopefully come up with the answers many people are asking.

Works Cited

Works Cited

Sampaio, R., Pereira, M. G., & Winck, J. C. (2012, March 2). Psychological morbidity,

illness representations, and quality of life in female and male patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Ebsco Host. Retrieved April 20, 2014

Sleep Apnea. 2011. In

Retrieved April 20, 2014, from

Obstructive Sleep Apnea. 2011. In

Retrieved April 20, 2014, from

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