Slave Trade Pros And Cons

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Burning Issues
Slavery should be legal in some states because the owners need the help they can get, slaves can still get freedom by going into the north, and this can keep the economy from flopping.
The constitution should not allow slave trade because the constitution states that all men are equal, they should be brought to the northern states first to get equal opportunity, and if slave trade is outlawed it gives other slaves hope for freedom and more motivation.
They should not be forced to return runaway slaves because once they are in the north they are free, it would be against the law to force a free man to do anything, and once they are in the north they no longer have a owner they need to return to.

2. The federal …show more content…

I think the bonds should be payed back just a small amount to each dollar because not everyone agreed with the war, so why should they pay for it? They could already be in debt, they could reward the soldiers but also keep people from being in poverty.

4. Everyone should be allowed to vote in general elections. I believe this because, if you live in America you should be allowed to vote for who controls your country. People of all races should vote because they are a big part of America's population. Even if you don't have property, you should be able to vote for someone you think could help you.

Historical Roles
Southern Planter
1.I make my money by planting tobacco seeds. My wealth depends on my slaves. My family owns about thirty slaves so I am quite wealthy.
2. I think slavery is important and that all slaves are property. The amount of money I make depends on my slaves. I think slaves do the hardest work.
3. ‘The rabble’ people scare me. I think they want to take my property. I am surprised these people can vote in some places!
4. I am concerned about non property owners voting. I am also concerned about debts being paid back in kind and not cash. I believe this is only fair. …show more content…

Is it legal for state legislatures to pass laws allowing debts to be paid “in kind”? Well the constitution says, No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. In other words, only the federal government can conduct foreign alliances, trade, or war. Only the federal government can print money. Only the federal government can make and pass laws or break contracts.

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