Skeletal Muscle Essay

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Skeletal muscle is a muscle that is connected at either one or both extremities of the skeleton to form part of the mechanical system that moves the limbs and other parts of the body. The human body contains more than six hundred skeletal muscles, which establish forty percent to fifty percent of the total body weight. Nevertheless, skeletal muscle performs three important functions which include: force generation for locomotion and breathing, force generation for postural support, and heat production during cold stress. The most obvious function of skeletal muscle is to enable an individual to move freely and breathe. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tough connective tissue called tendons. Muscles that decrease joint angles are called
Muscle adapts to several aerobic exercise training to become more of an effective energy provider. It is important to know that regular endurance exercise has great benefits on a persons’ overall health including the prevention of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, muscles adapt to anaerobic and aerobic training. Chronic exercise provides stimulus for the systems of the body to change. Systems will also adapt to volume, levels and intensity. There are several factors that affect adaptations to training. The factors include genetic endowment, environment factors, age, gender, and fitness training status. With anaerobic metabolism, high intensity and short duration exercises are mainly from stored phosphagens and adenosine triphosphate. Aerobic metabolism contains most of the energy with fifty plus percent needed for prolonged exercise lasting for more than three minutes (Morton, R. W.2015). Anaerobic training may elicit neural adaptation in some cases. Several neural changes with anaerobic training take place along lower corticospinal tracts. Skeletal muscle adapts to anaerobic training mostly by hypertrophy, hyperplasia and enhancing its biochemical and ultra-structural components. Hypertrophy involves an increase in the synthesis of the contractile proteins actin and myosin. However, motor units that contain type I or type II fibers are
Nevertheless, endurance trained muscles are more effective at clearing plasma triglyceride, free fatty acids and glucose. Endurance exercises increases in the mitochondria and glucose begins to transport in the muscle. In addition, endurance exercises such as prolonged running makes an increase in muscle respiratory capacity. However, this adaptation includes increases in components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (Agergaard, J. 2015). Muscle adaptation to aerobic exercise is similar to strength training adaptation. While performing aerobic exercises, the number if mitochondria begins to increase. Not to mention, cardiovascular training increases the number of capillaries that bring oxygen into the mitochondria. With more fuel in the muscles they can endure longer periods of exercise, but the adaptations have its different limits. In despite of the duration and intensity of a persons’ training, it is vital to understand that a person may reach their peak efficiency in as little as four or five weeks. Exercise training is also an adaptive process and the body will begin to adapt to the stress of exercise with increased fitness above a moderate threshold intensity. To achieve a greater effectiveness, always consider the factors involved in adaptations of muscle to stress and decondition. The factors that are involved are specificity, overload, progression, and

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