Situated Learning Theory Essay

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As it’s considered the role of a teacher to embed Literacy, Language and Numeracy (LLN), session plans were produced with a range of activities in an effort to embed LLN successfully whilst ensuring inclusivity. Learning theories, models and frameworks of how people learn were taken into consideration when planning each of the lessons. Cognitive, emotional and environmental influences all play a vital part in how knowledge and skills are acquired and retained. (Schunk, 2013)

The use of Glossary of terms was one of the approaches chosen when embedding English into my session. As it recaps previous sessions and offers several benefits for the learner’s potential to progress academically. Simultaneously developing both the learners’ standard of English and ability to …show more content…

Situated cognition theory considers learning as a sociocultural phenomenon instead of the learners acquiring general information from a decontextualized body of knowledge (Kirshner and Whitson 1997). SLT contends that the acquisition of knowledge is situated and embedded within activity, context and culture. The theory also proposed that learning is often unintentional rather than deliberate and referred to as a process of “legitimate peripheral participation” (Lave et el 1990). Within the further education and skills sector to situate learning means to create the environments in which the learners will experience the complexity and ambiguity of learning in the real world. SLT puts forward that learning is primarily a matter of creating meaning from the activities in which they partake. Stating we do so by embedding subject matter within the context of activates knowledge is then acquired and conceptualised Lave and Wenger

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