Sister Relationship Essay

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Studies show that sibling relations last longer than any other relationships. Through this period of time bonds are growing stronger than others, which is why Marry Cary, current college student, relationship with her sister made the biggest impact on her life. Marry stayed Hartford, Connecticut and attended Bulkeley High School. Her parents were Bill and Sue Cary. She stayed in a small area where everyone was close, but didn’t always get along, so family always meant so much to her. Growing up in a household where family is close and siblings are closer does so much to a person. Marry was the youngest of two daughters so her older sister was not only her sister, but her best friend, idol, and hero. Marry had few friends, but always relied …show more content…

She only saw her sister transition from class to class alone. Instead of friends, she noticed the loneliness her sister had at lunch and the comments made about her. People laughed and pointed as she sat and listened to the sly jokes. She thought to herself," this can 't be right." She always thought of her sister as the popular girl at a table full of friends, but was terribly mistaken. She sat with her sister gazed upon all the stares they received. “I remember sitting with my sister as she was talking and only hearing the people around her,” she stated. She never questioned her sister to why her high school life was the way it was and her sister never commented on her lonely experience. Marry only knew her sister wasn’t anyone’s favorite person except …show more content…

Being better was Marry’s choice, she ventured off from her sister and made her own high school experience. Her sister’s actions have been just that, the actions her sister chose. She never asked anything about them. Her sister remained alone for most of her high school experience, until her junior year she made a friend she is still close with now. Marry made her own friends and found out who she was and not the person she was trying to be. She still loved her sister and would always know the good in her, but she didn’t look at her as much as she did. “My sister will always one on my biggest influences, but I’m happy I was able to see her in the outside world, so I can learn be who I am,” she finished the interview

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