Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Colin Dexte

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Believe that it would have been harder for Conan Doyle to write detective

stories than Colin Dexter; this is because now there is a lot of forensic

science that helps Inspector Morse to solve his cases, but Conan Doyle.

Compare and Contrast two crime writers who used clever detectives as

their main characters.

Sherlock Holmes was created by one of the most famous crime writers

from the pre-20th century; his originators name was Conan Doyle.

Sherlock Holmes is identified by most people from his famous phrase,

“Elementary my dear Watson”.

However, a lot of the readers of Conan Doyle would realize that

Sherlock Holmes under no circumstances actually used the phrase.

Sir Author Conan Doyle was an intelligent doctor who used his

knowledge to write novels. His Sherlock Holmes stories were used in

Egypt and China as part of their official police training. This

confirms that Sherlock Holmes is exceptionally eminent around the

world; it also establishes that Conan Doyle was a man of great


Equally, one of the most well-known and popular 20th century crime

writers Colin Dexter also used a clever detective as his main

character. His character was entitled ‘Inspector Morse’.

Colin Dexter’s stories are set in the 20th century, in North Oxford.

Therefore the settings in his stories were also typical 20th century

people, buildings and cars. In Colin Dexter’s stories men and women

are both considered to be equal. Many of the people are very

ordinary, although they’re also a lot of University students due to

Oxford University.

Conan Doyle stories are set in the Victorian era. This was a time

when horse drawn cabs were used for transportation.

“I was still balancing the matter in my mind when a hansom cab drove

up to Briony Lodge”.

Pathologists did not exist at that juncture, and nor did forensics,

these words were not even used. There was not an actual Police Force

at the time of Conan Doyle. However, it was the very early days of Police

being formed by Robert Peel, who was later knighted.

But, all of these do exist know, and also when Inspector Morse was


As Conan Doyle lived in the Victorian era, his stories consisted of

cobbled streets that were dimly gas lit. Sherlock Holmes mainly dealt

with very rich people; there were always mansions in the stories,

“Briony Lodge”.

Colin Dexter lives in the world of today, therefore his stories are

set very differently to the ones of Conan Doyle, his stories include

the technology, forensics and the pathologists. Lewis often uses the

computers to find out about relevant information to their case.

Unlike Sherlock Holmes, Inspector Morse stories also have vivid

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