Siobhan Davies Choreographic Techniques

1976 Words4 Pages

Throughout this essay, I will be exploring Siobhan Davies’ choreographic technique; how it has changed over time and how artists influenced the change to her technique. A comparison to Ian Spink and a contrast to Dorothy Madden will be made to further discussions about Davies’ technique.

Siobhan Davies; born in London during 1950, was amongst the first group of students to train at the London Contemporary Dance School shortly after it opened in the mid-1960s. Once she had graduated to become a dancer with the London Contemporary Dance Theatre, she quickly ascended as one of the first generation of British choreographers that the company had created. Her technique has changed throughout her career, with the help of such influences. Originally her work utilised the Graham’s technique; as taught to her by Robert Cohan. Over time other artistic influences have altered the characteristics of Davies’ style. Davies ‘founded her first company in 1980. In 1988 she formed Siobhan Davies Dance Company and toured nationally and internationally’ (Digital Dance Archives). Currently she is the director of Siobhan Davies Dance Company and associate choreographer with Rambert Dance Company.
The main choreographic technique that can be seen throughout 1972 and 1975 is …show more content…

By that I do not mean a conservatoire style training, but the type of dance that grew in American universities often developing from Physical Education programmes and often based on the pioneering work of Margaret H ‘Doubler at the University of Wisconsin. This was a form of education that developed the whole person and saw that technical ability was not an end in itself but was at the service of creativity.’ (Jackson,

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