Similarities Between The Matrix And The Lion King

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The lion king and the matrix both have similarities when it comes to leadership,however they both also have differences within them too. For instance, in the matrix the agents listened to the their ranking one just because it was his status. In the lion king the lions listened to Scar because he was the “king” not because they liked or agreed with anything he was saying or doing such as letting the hyenas in the pridelands. This shows they are at level one leadership, however all five levels are represented in both movies. Level two is presented clearly presented in the matrix when the crew reacts positively to Morpheus without threats or presenting his status. Pumba listens to Tamone in the lion king for two reasons one,because he wants to, and two he might slightly have a few screws loose making him think Tamone is right. …show more content…

However, in the lion king Timon and Pumba both are very different from each other they tend to but heads more than accomplish anything.When they needed to distract the hyenas they disagreed on how to go about it , in the end however they do work quite well together because their friendship is their bond which makes them a good team.

Verbal communication is very important to any movie that is not designed to be silent. on the contrary however, all other ways of communication are also important. Such as nonverbal looks for example when the agent came in the room to interrogate Neo his face was very stern and hard .He was saying without saying a word that he meant business. In the lion king nonverbal communication means a completely different thing. When scar backs away from Simba you could obviously tell he was utterly petrified.Although the two movies undoubtedly had their differences they both have uncanny

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