Similarities Between The Columbia Accident And The Challenger Disaster

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There are quite a few similarities between the Columbia accident and the Challenger accident. In both cases, self-interest may have been partly an impediment to responsible action by the managers for their image. According to the Impediments to Responsible Action, managers are claimed successful and advance their careers by being associated with promptness and on-schedule flights. Jerry Mason and the other managers sought out this “successful” image by allowing the shuttle to lift off, and in the ill-fated process, doomed the lives of the entire crew and the space shuttle.
One could also argue that Mason’s pressuring to launch the Challenger stemmed from multiple impediments. One of them is fear, this can be visualized as a branched impediment from self-interest as while Jerry Mason sought this successful image, he also feared the unsuccessful image a failure to launch would impose on him. Another is possibly self-deception since Mason probably realized that the shuttle was able to launch previously with insufficient O-rings located on the boosters of the shuttle. The next impediment from this situation is ignorance, or more specifically, microscopic vision. The concerns and uncertainty presented by the engineers to management should have been more alarming and taken into more consideration than it …show more content…

For example, fear can also stem from this situation as Mason tried looking successful by securing a contract for Morton-Thiokol, he also feared not being able to obtain the contract for his company. Like the first situation, a form of microscopic vision seems present in regards to the contract. If the launch was successful, Mason and also Morton-Thiokol would have benefited with a good chance of a renewed booster contract with NASA. However the consequences that a failure would have brought was not within Mason’s narrow scope at the

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