Similarities Between Kennedy And Martin Luther King Jr

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Words are dangerous, words travel into the very heart of a person and change how they look at the world. When presenting to a group of people, using normal conversational words will not be enough. In history there has been many great speeches; two great ones were given by John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. President Kennedy's Inaugural Address and Mr. King's “I Have a Dream” have multiple similarities and differences. The similarities are a passion for what they say, how they address a problem they face, and how they use figurative language. A difference is the reasoning for delivering their speeches. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care”. This is why passion is a common emotion implied while delivering a speech. Mr. Kennedy and Mr. King both show how much they truly care about what they are talking about. The reader is easily able to interpret their voice in their writing by being able to relate to their fears, idealism, and vision of the future. “we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace” (Kennedy 381). It is at this time that Mr. Kennedy is …show more content…

“those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside” (kennedy,381). At this time Kennedy is illustrating that other countries are trying to gain more power by taking the freedoms from the colonies. By using figurative language kennedy is able to establish a point of comparison. Mr. King also used figurative language often in his speech. An example of this is when he describes a check and the value of the check for “opportunities of this nation... riches of freedom and the security of justice” (King,384), but king states that this check is “marked ‘insufficient funds’”(King,384). King knows that this check does hold value, and one day this check will be

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