Similarities And Similarities Between Tourism And Tourism

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“This is no longer a vacation, it’s a quest. You’re gonna have fun and I’m gonna have fun… we’re all gonna have fun.” This famous quote by Clark Griswald on his pilgrimage to the Wally World’s moose in National Lampoon’s Vacation helps us focus on this issue raised in this assignment. Although many of us have been “tourists” at some point in our lives, defining what tourism actually is can be difficult. (BC Tourism HR society: 2009) Many believe that the terms tourism, hospitality and even travel are synonymous and interchangeable. (Pizam: 2009) Also, a small minority views the hospitality industry as only a subset of the broader tourism industry. Therefore, it is important to define these related terms before any formal discussion on their differences and similarities.

Pizam (2009) defines tourism industry as the make up of businesses that provide goods and services to tourists. The British Columbian Tourism HR Society defines tourism as the activities of people travelling and staying in places outside their usual environment for the purpose of leisure, business or other purposes for more than 24 hours but no less than one consecutive year. Additionally, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) defines a tourist as a person who travels and stays at a place outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes for no longer than one consecutive year. According to Clayton & Burrows (2009) the true definition of hospitality is the reception and entertainment of guests with liberality and goodwill. (Barrows & Powers, 2009) (go2 Tourism HR Society, 2014) Pizman (2009) defines the hospitality industry as the make up of businesses that provide accommodation, food and beverage and meetings to touri...

... middle of paper ... engaging in actives outside their usual environment they are contributing to the tourism industry. As the family is away from home they will need accommodation throughout their holiday. By staying at the Sofitel the family is contributing both to the tourism and hospitality, as accommodation is a key component to both industries.

The Provision of Food and Beverage is another key similarity of tourism and hospitality. Food and Beverage includes restaurants and bars plus other types of eating and drinking establishments ranging in size and service from a unit located within a hotel, to a suburban café or stall in a street market. (United Nations World Tourism Organization, 1997, p. 15) Riley (2005) argues that Food and Beverage is one of the most fundamental and complex sectors of the hospitality industry. (Riley, 2005) Food and Beverage are required by business

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