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Sicily is considered the world’s first multicultural society. It is Europe’s most cosmopolitan region. Sicily is where east meets west.
Sicilian cooking is unique in Italy, blending extravagant Arab and northern techniques with simple peasant ingredients. Most meals were based mainly on the catch of the day and the pick of the garden. Today’s cuisine is an amazing mosaic reflecting every foreign invasion that took place: Greek tyrants, Arabs, Norman knights, Byzantine bishops, Holy Roman emperors, Phoenicians. Sicily is Europe, Africa, and Asia on one island.
It is believed that Gelato (Ice Cream) is probably invented in Sicily during roman times. A relay of runners would bring snow down from the top of Mt. Etna and flavor it with almonds and fruits. Then, they would sell this unique snack to wealthy patrons. This would also be the origin of Italian ice.

Sicilian cuisine is characterized by its fanciful juxtaposition of sweet and sour flavors. It is also known for its abundant use of fragrant herbs, its succulent seafood, its rich dessert, and its luscious citrus fruit. Cuisine in each region is based on what the land has to offer, whether it’s the regions vineyards, olive groves, almond orchards, wheat fields or the coast made gold with lemon and orange groves. Citrus groves are characteristic of have street-side markets wh...

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