Should US Be Allowed To Use Torture In Foreign Interrogation?

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Twisting the Laws of Torture
Should the U.S. be allowed to use torture in foreign interrogation?
The U.S. military and CIA forces have been using torture to pull information out of detainees since it was legalized after 9/11 although revoked in 2009. The use of torture mechanisms has been used in many instances and in many forms. Some acts of torture even result in death upon these detainees. In this moment it is against federal law, and therefore should not be used unless the law changes sometime soon. Which is very possible as Donald Trump has a very different perspective from Barack Obama and is in the process of changing many of decisions Obama made during his presidency. Therefore torture should be used as a last resort when interrogating foreign detainees.

It seems with Trump’s presidency comes torture. The debate on whether the U.S. should return to torture methods in foreign interrogations has been buzzing since Gina Haspel was nominated for the CIA and spoke out against torturing the detained foreigners. She stands for empathetic tactics to elicit information, Whereas Trump feels that torture would be an efficient alternative. Tortue in itself is unethical and currently illegal in the U.S., the methods can be temporarily painful or even life-threatening and should only be used as a last resort in extremely …show more content…

Bush creating a way to “prevent something like this from happening again.” The Bush Administration allowed the CIA and the U.S. Military to use “enhanced interrogation techniques,” allowing them to use torture techniques against the detainees. In 2009 President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 13491 to ensure lawful interrogations (Johnson 2017). But what exactly is this EO protecting people from now? Use of unnecessary force to draw out answers rather than ethical

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