Argumentative Essay: Is Torture Justified?

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Is the intentional pain that an individual experiences justified if there is the potential to save the lives of many? Torture is the most used weapon in the “war against terrorism” but does it work? The purpose of this essay is to identify what the motives for torturing are, the effectiveness of torture, and important issues with the whole process of torture.
Can reliable information come from torture? Is torture an effective means of social control? Do the negative effects outweigh the potential benefits? Is the torturing of terror suspects legal? How is torture justified in the general public?
The motivation to torture is guided by gut feelings and “what if” stories. Using torture to gain information involves a tremendous amount of assumptions. The Torturer is assuming that there is an actual danger, they are assuming that they have the correct person as well as assuming their level of their involvement and guilt in the situation, and lastly by using torture they are assuming that there is no alternative way to extract the information.
There is no way to be certain that you are …show more content…

However the level of skepticism would will be present because the torturer would have to spend valuable time determining if the information received is authentic or not.

How is it justified?
According to a pool from the Washington post fifty nine percent of Americans think that torture is acceptable. So why is this? Maybe

Process of torture
There are a lot of disturbing aspects of torture, just thinking about the dehumanizing, disfiguring process is enough to make any normal persons stomach turn. However when I say there are disturbing aspects of torture I am referring to the process (or lack of). There is no protocol for torture. There are no trial, no rules, guidelines, or script that a torturer must follow. It is free

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