Enhanced Interrogationation Methods

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Enhanced interrogation methods include hypothermia, stress positions, waterboarding, and sleep deprivation. In each of these cases there have been studies such as, the one concocted by Dr. Allen Keller, of Bellevue NYU Program for Survivors of Torture. Dr. Keller once said, “Some victims were still traumatized years later. A man who had experienced waterboarding couldn’t take showers and panics when it rains.” In January 22, 2009, President Obama, signed an executive order that requires both the U.S. military and paramilitary organizations to use the Army Field Manual as the guide of getting information from prisoners, moving widely away from the Bush administration tactics. In this manual none of these enhanced interrogation methods are acceptable. If indeed, any person or persons were caught using any of these outlawed interrogation methods, they would be subject to a fine of 10,000 dollars and a life term of imprisonment. This is true even if you showed the intent to commit torture, but never actually committed the crime. If there is sufficient evidence to prove intent, then you are subject to 25 years of imprisonment. The means to not justify the necessity when it comes to enhanced interrogation. It can lead to false information, if someone is falsely accused of a crime and therefore detained by the military with no evidence and then tortured; in most scenarios an innocent person will admit to their accusation to avoid the undeniable pain of torture. There has to be due process and torture should and never will be the answer. All in all, enhanced interrogation is a technique used to induce information from possible suspects; however, this technique is immoral in ways such as, but not limited to, impacting the victims life, f...

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...en and women. The “victims” sitting in Guantanamo are being tortured for crimes not committed by them and are being rewarded with no families or loved ones and psychological trauma. Through many studies it has been proven that these victims will commit to false information just to stop the pain. Enhanced interrogation is one of the more popular techniques used to induce information from possible suspects; however, this technique is immoral in ways such as, but not limited to, impacting the victims life, family, and friends, the side effects of enhanced interrogation are disgusting, and in most cases victims admit to the false accusations which is in no way beneficial to the main problem. It has been proven that these methods are ineffective and are often misleading, in fact there are other much more humane methods which have been proven beneficial in many cases.

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