Torture involves lots of violence and is illegal in the United States. It is a technique used by the government to get information out of a criminal or terrorist. The United States uses torture by going out of the country and setting up bases perform it. Many people have been very hurt and sometimes killed. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques must be stopped because it is illegal to torture a prisoner in the United States and the technique has hurt many innocent people. Firstly, Enhanced Interrogation must be stopped because it is illegal in the United States. The 8th amendment prohibits Enhanced Interrogation Techniques in the United States. - Legal Information Institute. The 8th amendment prohibits Enhanced Interrogation Techniques in the
Due to rising levels of danger along with the creation and utilization of new technology, the government of the twenty first century, are becoming more involved and protective similar to the government of Oceania in the book Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell. In the book Nineteen Eighty Four, the main character Winston Smith, commits acts that are not legal according to the government of Oceania. Winston commits crimes which include thinking bad things about the government of Oceania, or thought crime, plotting against the government of Oceania, and having sexual relations with a young woman named Julia. Eventually, Winston ends up getting caught by a hidden telescreen and two thought police informants. When Winston is caught, he is transported to a prison without being read rights, much less having any actual rights. While in prison Winston is deprived of food and sleep, received regular beatings, is brainwashed, and is tortured physically, mentally, and emotionally. This essay will show the reader what the modern day government of the United States of America does to its political prisoners and how this compares to the treatment of political prisoners in George Orwell’s book Nineteen Eighty Four.
Many strategies for interviewing and interrogating individuals have been explored over time. Some seem to withstand the test of time, others falter. Two such methods that have been used over time have been the Reid Technique, developed by John E. Reid with the assistance of Fred E. Inbau, and the technique of hypnosis. The similarities and differences of all techniques are what determine their success or failure. An examination of the Reid Technique and hypnosis will reveal why one is still used today and the other is rarely used.
Interrogational torture is one of the many tough ethical questions that people debate about in the United States. Is it right or is it wrong? Many believe that the United States does not practice intense interrogational acts such as torture. Many people have fought to abolish any form of torture while many fight to keep some forms of it to help keep the peace. Whether you believe in it or not, torture is and will always be an ethical dilemma that comes up.
The method of interrogation, water boarding may be controversial but I think it is necessary in order to extract vital information from Al Qaeda operatives and other terrorists groups.
Because of the 9/11 terrorist, the U.S. have been able to limit the outcomes they produce by using physical and mental torture against their emotional torture they used on the Citizens. Its not the U.S. that started this battle over the use of torture, america had to protect itself from further hurt. “The suffering caused by the terrorists is the real torture (Jean-Marie Le Pen).” people argue that torture it is an inhumane act to deliberately beat a victim physically and mentally. The problem is that there are no other possible solutions to obtain information that are as effective as torture on such events other than force it out of them by using torture as their primary weapon (The Legal Prohibition). If the U.S. wants to pursue the safety of americans they have to take actions, As long as there are no bombs going off around the world, the U.S. will continue to use torture . Terrorism has become a much greater threat than before. regardless if the beating are too extreme, it is still the duty of the state to protect its citizens (Torture Is Just Means). Even if the interoges are suffering from severe torture, the U.S. is able t...
...less outside of intimidation. Currently we are debating whether torture would be a useful tool in society, but some have solved the answer for us many years ago. Those who commit crimes are often willing to sacrifice their life to keep the secret. Torture simply lowers us to their standards and facilitates increased terrorist activity in the long run. Why put salt on the wound when you have a Band-aid? Torturing cannot be morally justified.
From a moral standpoint, torture is wrong and unacceptable. Many religious people are against this act of violence because they see it as a violation of the dignity of a human being. Humans have the right to not have intentional harm upon themselves from others. The ban on torture furthermore supports this certain right. Not only does torture violate people’s rights, but they also violate the demands of justice. In the past, many of our nation’s people have been tortured and we have had a problem with it; but when it’s not you the one that is being tortured, it seems to be fine. Have you heard of the golden rule, “Treat others only as you consent to being treated in the same situation? (7)” This applies very well to this problem.
Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, were used in previous administrations. The techniques were considered at the very least to be cruel and inhuman. Among these are attention strikes and stress positions. The techniques violate human rights as well as detainee rights. There are few serious arguments for the retention of enhanced interrogation. The most compelling is the "ticking time bomb theory." This theory is in fact based on logical fallacy. An executive order has banned the use of enhanced interrogation. It is the position of this summary that the current ban remain in effect.
The issue of torture is nothing new. It was done in the past and it’s done now in the 21st century. Without saying one side is right and the other side is wrong, let us discuss the part that we agree on and find common ground. We as Americans want to protect Americans from harms. So how do we prevent that from happening without torturing? It is impossible to get answer without some sort of questioning and intimidation techniques, since we know captured prisoners during war are not easily going to give up information. We know the enemy we face doesn’t follow the Geneva Convention or any law that pertains to war, so does that mean we shouldn’t also follow the Geneva Convention also, which prohibits torture? Of course not, because we want to be example for the world. Republicans argue that we have to do whatever is necessary to keep Americans safe, and Democrats argue it goes against our values and makes us look bad. We as Americans, as leader of the free world we
Torture, the most extreme form of human violence, resulting in both physical and psychological consequences. A technique of interrogation that has been proven time and time again to not only be ineffective but also a waste of time. Studies have shown that not only does torture psychologically damage the mind of the victim, but also can hurt the inflictor. If there is proof that torture is useless, why do we still use it? Torture should not be used to get information out of prisoners because of the risk of false information, enemy resistance and utter uselessness.
The Eighth Amendment (as it has been interpreted by the US Supreme Court) protects Americans from cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bails and fines, and unnecessary physical chastisement in schools. However, whether a sentence is cruel and unusual or a fine is excessive continually remains to be determined by the Supreme Court. Works Cited Bernstein, Richard, and Jerome Agel. Amending America. New York: Random House, Inc, 1993.
Enhanced interrogation methods include hypothermia, stress positions, waterboarding, and sleep deprivation. In each of these cases there have been studies such as, the one concocted by Dr. Allen Keller, of Bellevue NYU Program for Survivors of Torture. Dr. Keller once said, “Some victims were still traumatized years later. A man who had experienced waterboarding couldn’t take showers and panics when it rains.” In January 22, 2009, President Obama, signed an executive order that requires both the U.S. military and paramilitary organizations to use the Army Field Manual as the guide of getting information from prisoners, moving widely away from the Bush administration tactics. In this manual none of these enhanced interrogation methods are acceptable. If indeed, any person or persons were caught using any of these outlawed interrogation methods, they would be subject to a fine of 10,000 dollars and a life term of imprisonment. This is true even if you showed the intent to commit torture, but never actually committed the crime. If there is sufficient evidence to prove intent, then you are subject to 25 years of imprisonment. The means to not justify the necessity when it comes to enhanced interrogation. It can lead to false information, if someone is falsely accused of a crime and therefore detained by the military with no evidence and then tortured; in most scenarios an innocent person will admit to their accusation to avoid the undeniable pain of torture. There has to be due process and torture should and never will be the answer. All in all, enhanced interrogation is a technique used to induce information from possible suspects; however, this technique is immoral in ways such as, but not limited to, impacting the victims life, f...
Interrogation is a conversation, between a law enforcement officer and a person who is suspected of committing a crime or assisting others to commit a crime (AIU Online, 2007). Interrogations are used in many occasions. They are done to get someone to confess to something, weather it is a crime or giving out information of a crime or someone. When conducting an interrogation the interrogator has to have confidence and creativity. If you do not feel confident in interrogating someone it will show and the person will not give up on information that you want. They will sense that you do not know what you are doing. The creativity skills that are used will help you to get the information that you need to solve a case. If an interrogation goes the way the interrogator planned then they might end up with a confession that they don’t. Scholars estimate that somewhere between 42% and 55% of suspect confess to a criminal during integration ( Layton, 2008).
There are many aspects that make up a successful interview or interrogation. An investigator does not become a skilled interviewer or interrogator over night. Training and experience are vital to becoming skilled at interviewing and interrogation. Experience is the best teacher, conducting interviews and interrogations is the only way to become more skilled. In this paper I will explain all the aspects that make up a successful interview. I will also explain the difference between an interview and an interrogation.
The methods and techniques employed by police officers within the confines of the interrogation room are an existent enigma within democratic societies. Expectations of the police to solve crime with all available means, at times contradict the philosophies of fair play and the right to silence founded in fundamental justice. It is this contradiction that creates a fine line between fair inquiries in solving crime and the use of psychologically coercive techniques tantamount to torture. This paper will define torture and employ current research in an effort to understand the coercive and psychological factors of interrogation. The paper provides a review of the current legal approaches to interrogation through the eyes of the judiciary and posits that the judiciary’s use of subjective solutions through charter exclusion is ineffective in managing police conduct in the interrogation room. The reluctance of the judiciary to alter or halt methodically coercive interrogations by the police leaves no alternative approach, but use of the objectivity of substantive law.