Should Tobacco Be Banned In America?

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Should Tobacco be Banned in America? Smoking is the leading cause of multiple cancers, causing over 480,000 deaths per year. So why would America allow the fact that you can buy these “cancer sticks” at any convenience store? A major controversial question that many people wonder, is why is tobacco still legal over the age of 18 if it is the leading cause of cancer?
Considering that smoking tobacco causes more cancer than any other drug in the United States, it not only affects the health of the user, but it also affects the appearance, emotional, physical, and mental states. With this being said, smoking can affect many users in different ways, but it can also harm the people around them by second hand smoke. Smoking is the most addictive …show more content…

Many people say that smoking is so bad for you and the people around you. There are many advertisements on the television that also support this. It has been a huge issue in the United States, especially because there has never been an “up” side of smoking. When talking about smoking you only talk about the bad things that come from it. There are no positives for smoking and especially not for the people around you. The smell that lingers in the clothing and hair doesn’t do favors for the smokers or anyone else around them. In an article by Lee Weal titled, “How Long Does Cigarette Smoke Smell Stay in A Room?”, “Cigarette smoke takes forty-five minutes to get off your clothes if you smoke one, every time you smoke another, add 15 minutes. Keep in mind that the smell of smoke is on your skin and hair, so take a shower after every single cigarette, or you will smell strongly of it for the rest of the day.” (Weal) This smell is exposed to everyone even kids. They can recognize the smell of cigarettes after a couple times a person smokes. Kids are very curious and very oblivious therefore they want to do everything grown-ups do. When young kids are exposed to people smoking, they are curious about it and want to try it themselves. Making almost 12% of teens who were exposed at a young age to start smoking when they get older. Clearly smoking does not only affect the smoker, but the people around them. Nobody wants their children to be around harmful chemicals that can cause serious cardiovascular and respiratory diseases especially at a young age. All in all, you must assume that people want smoking banned in order to keep people and young kids

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