How Secondhand Smoking Affects Us
As most of you know, smoking is bad for your health, but what some of you might not know is that you don’t actually have to smoke to be harmed by smoking. Lung cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women, is mainly caused by cigarette smoking. Secondhand smoking causes approximately 2 percent of lung cancer deaths each year. It causes respiratory disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), middle ear disease, and asthma attacks in children.
Imagine a room full of young, healthy second-graders with a Joe Camel cigarette in their hand, smoking; that is basically what secondhand smoking is like. It has toxic and carcinogenic effects that are practically the same as smoking a cigarette. Children from birth to 2 years of age are especially vulnerable to secondhand smoke because their lungs are not fully developed.
The EPA estimates that secondhand smoking is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respitory infections in infants and children under 18 months of age yearly, which result in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are also more likely to have reduced lung function and symptoms like coughing, excess phlegm, and wheezing. Secondhand smoking can lead to a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, the most common cause of hospitalized children for an operation.
Asthmatic children are especially at risk. Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the number of episodes and severity of symptoms in hundreds of thousands of asthmatic children. Between 200,000 and 1,000,000 asthmatic children have their condition worsened by secondhand smoke.
I haven’t read too many things when an author personifies something and I think that Laura Dockrill, did it perfectly. It was humanized in a way that if the chapters of Lorali didn’t have ‘The Sea’ at the top, you would have thought it was human.
In addition to being responsible for 87% of lung cancers, smoking is also associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney, and bladder. Smoking accounts for at least 29% of all cancer deaths, is a major cause of heart disease, and is associated with conditions ranging from colds and gastric ulcers to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and cerebrovascular disease. Women have a better chance in getting lung cancer then men do. This year the disease will kill 68,000 women in the United States, more than one and a half times as many as breast cancer. Even if a woman smoked for awhile and quit, her chances are much greater then a man that smoked 2 times longer then the woman did.
There are many negative effects on second hand smokers, immediately and over time. Second hand smokers take in nicotine and toxic chemicals through the same route as smokers, only they don't have a filter. The more that smokers take in toxic chemicals, the more likely they are to take the harmful chemicals into their body (“Secondhand Smoke”). So by smoking with others around you are the cause of many problems that they may have throughout their life. Second hand smoke immediately affects the heart, blood vessels and blood circulation in a harmful way (“Secondhand Smoke”), it puts nicotine in their bloodstream and could cause them to become addicted to cigarettes even before they ever even smoked. Over time, heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks can occur. Some people also get lung cancer or other types of cancer (“Secondhand Smoke”). By smoking with others around, you could end up eventually killing people without even trying. Not only is smoking bad for our bodies, it is also bad for the environment.
Smoking is not only affect for the smoker’s health, but also others around the smoker. People who do not smoke are affect just as much as those who are smoking. Which is due to second hand smoke, as the toxin smoke release in the air. Second hand smoke is harmful to non- smoker and causes more damage to their lung from breathing it. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “When a nonsmoker breathes in secondhand smoke, the body begins to metabolize or break down the nicotine that was in the smoke. During this process, a nicotine byproduct called cotinine is created. Exposure to nicotine and secondhand smoke can be measured by testing saliva, urine, or blood for the presence of cotinine.” According to "Surgeon General Adds To List of Smoking's Harms." “About 20.8 million people in the U.S. have died from smoking-related diseases since then, a toll the report puts at 10 times the number of Americans who have died in all of the nation's wars combined. M...
Second-hand smoke can also cause a variety of seriously, deadly aliments. Every year more than 3,000 deaths from lung cancer and 35,000-62,000 deaths from heart attack and respiratory tract infections are caused from breathing in second-hand smoke (“Cigarette Smoking” 2). Second-hand smoke only takes ten minutes to begin damaging the heart. Ten minutes isn't a lot of time for the amount of damage second-hand smoke can cause. In that ten minutes spent around smoke, the smell sinks into the fabric of clothes. The smell will then stay in the fabrics and other people will inhale it, including children.
Secondhand smoke is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections in infants and children under 18 months of age, resulting in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year. It also causes 430 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) deaths in the U.S. annually.
“Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled by smokers. You can be exposed to secondhand smoke in homes, cars, the workplace, and public places, such as bars, restaurants, and recreational settings (Secondhand Smoke).” Secondhand smoke isn’t just annoying and irritating but also it is a major health risk, for example just breathing in secondhand smoke has over 7,000 chemicals and roughly 70 of them are harmful. Just secondhand smoke alone kills over 49,000 adults every year; also causes around 3,000 cases of lung cancer. Non-smokers don’t really have a choice when it comes to someone smoking around them. They either have to deal with it or politely ask them to not smoke around
I am writing to inform you about the negative effects of passive smoking on a child’s health. Passive smoking also known as second hand smoking is when you inhale smoke from other people’s cigarettes, cigars or pipes. This action is very bad in concern to health overall. In children especially, the negative effects include; respiratory illness, asthma attacks and symptoms, lung airway disease, brain cancer, lymphomas and meningococcal disease. All these disease are injurious to health and is why you should not smoke around children. Second hand smokers are just as endangered as smokers as they are equally exposed to the fatal diseases.
Another thing that should be taken into consideration is secondhand smoke. Even though the smoking is not being done firsthand, there is still a big risk. Side effects of secondhand smoke are ear infections, colds, and damage to the lungs. And even though it is not definite that complications during pregnancy might not occur, the chance of putting a child at risk for the sake of smoking a cigarette should not be taken.
The characterization of Nora and Torvald Helmer is a testament to possible inequalities in marriage. The relationship between the main characters Nora and Torvald is “a drama rife with emotional debts, secrets, recriminations, and sexual poverty” (Hilton). It is obvious by plays end that Ibsen’s character Nora Helmer has undergone a transformation. At opening we see an unsure, immature, childlike bride. This character seeks approval almost in a manner resembling a dog getting a pat on the head for retrieving his master’s slippers. Her entire demeanor resembles one who cannot think for themselves. She finds herself in a precarious situation that gives her more experience with life and people. These experiences enable Nora to mature and desire independence.
Smoking causes many other types of cancer, including cancers of the throat, mouth, nasal cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix, and even leukemia has been found linked to smoking. Also, people who smoke are up to six times more likely to suffer a heart attack than nonsmokers, and the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. Smoking also causes most cases of chronic obstructive lung disease. Also, approximately 49,400 deaths have been due to exposure to secondhand smoke. 3,000 nonsmoking adults die of diseases caused by exposure to second-hand smoke every year.
has been found that second-hand smoke from cigarettes causes much harm. to non-smokers. Now after years of study, it is known that in America, Someone is more likely to die from second-hand smoke than from a car. gun or AID's. Cigarette smoke causes cancer, heart disease and it.
Torvald expects Nora to agree with what he says and thinks, and commit her life to keeping the family happy by being a housewife. But Nora defies the roles that she is expected to have as being a wife, a woman, and a friend. As a wife, Nora spends Torvald’s money on macarons which are forbidden and attempts to earn her own money while going against what her husband tells her, because she wants to be an independent person with her own opinions. The trip to the south and borrowing money was all done by her, and in the end of the play Nora ultimately goes against the expectations set upon her by leaving the house to live on her own to gain knowledge and experience, but leaves behind her husband and children who she is responsible for taking care of. As a woman, she does not have the authority to disagree with her husband or try to influence his actions. Torvald says, “If it ever got around that the new manager had been talked over by his wife…” (Ibsen 42) showing that it would be a laughing matter if a woman had an idea, but Nora still makes many attempts to persuade her husband. As a friend, Nora is expected to know her role which is a listener and supporter for Mrs. Linde and just an acquaintance to Dr. Rank, but the relationship with Dr. Rank goes beyond what is acceptable. When Dr. Rank confesses his feelings for Nora she is very upset because they can no longer flirt with each other now that the feelings are real. Her role is to be a loyal wife to her husband, which she is, but Ibsen uses the flirtatious dialect between the two to show that there are mutual feelings and that confessing them brings the relationship beyond what is allowed. As Nora challenges all of these roles, she is gradually becoming more stressed and eventually breaks down and leaves her husband, which demonstrates the effect of the unrealistic expectations to uphold the roles of
Secondhand smoke, we have all heard of it and know at least one person that smokes. Throughout the history of smoking, many researchers have found that secondhand smoke is more dangerous than the actual smoking of cigarettes. Many people know that there are dangers to smoking and secondhand smoke, but many tend to avoid the advice given to them. Secondhand smoke is very harmful to people of all ages. It destroys the inside and outside of one’s body. Secondhand smoke is not only dangerous indoors but as well as outdoors. On average every year there are many death results found. As humans should want to live a healthier life and come together to prevent smoking in the future.
Approximately one in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age. The most common of the diseases caused by smoking is cancer, of course. Not only is it a cause of lung cancer, but cancer of the larynx, and the esophagus, and it contributes to the development of cancers of the bladder, pancreas, and kidney. Lung cancer comes from the tar in the cigarettes.