As of 2002, more than 430,000 people every year die from use of tobacco- more than AIDS, alcohol, drugs, abuse, car accidents, murders, suicides, and fires COMBINED (“Cigarette Smoking” 2). Scary, isn't it? That even though cigarettes can cause that many deaths, people still smoke them? Cigarette smoking is a serious problem in the United States. Especially when it is done in public. Public smoking should be banned because it is a hazard to the people around.
Smoking comes with many problems. Not only for the smoker, but for the nonsmokers who are exposed to the smoke. In 1993, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified second-hand smoke as a Group A carcinogen- the most dangerous category of carcinogens. About 600,000 people worldwide die from second-hand smoke every year (“Smoking” 3). More people die from second-hand smoke than from smoking the cigarette himself or herself. In a roundabout sort of way, the smokers who smoke in public are causing the death of other people. Isn't that illegal?
Second-hand smoke can also cause a variety of seriously, deadly aliments. Every year more than 3,000 deaths from lung cancer and 35,000-62,000 deaths from heart attack and respiratory tract infections are caused from breathing in second-hand smoke (“Cigarette Smoking” 2). Second-hand smoke only takes ten minutes to begin damaging the heart. Ten minutes isn't a lot of time for the amount of damage second-hand smoke can cause. In that ten minutes spent around smoke, the smell sinks into the fabric of clothes. The smell will then stay in the fabrics and other people will inhale it, including children.
Public smoking also affects children. “Reducing adult smoking may eliminate role models who lead children to light up” (Glaeser 2)....
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...uction in second-hand smoke) oppose each other, then the balancing, as on a teeter-totter, must be done to see if one good or public benefit outweighs the other” (Nowlan 3). The public's health is more important. Why should one person hold the power to choose life or death for another person?
What do I propose to fix the problem of public smoking? I say we ban it all, but that's not realistic. I say we ban smoking in any place children are allowed. That includes outside restaurants, parks, playgrounds, and outside stores. Allow smoking in casinos, because we all know the state needs as much money as it can get, but have a designated room for the smokers so the public isn't exposed. So, Indiana State Assembly, why not give it a whirl and see what happens? Or has all the exposure to secondhand smoke gone to the brains of the people who keep our lungs and hearts safe?
Smoking is a lifestyle, a habit, and a trend. Smoking has become a social activity among teens, connecting them through the craving of a smoke. Smoking is seen as seductive and cool in the media and movies which influences teenagers to smoke even more. The World Health Organization has stated that “Tobacco kills around 6 million people each year. More than 5 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while more than 600,000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.” As of April 2016, only 7% of teenagers in the U.S. smoke, but it is said that tobacco use will kill 8 million people annually by 2030. 99% of adult smokers start in their years as teenagers. Smoking is an epidemic that has taken control of people’s lives since 1881 and the media since the early 1900s. Smoking currently kills about 440,000 people a year in the U.S. I feel that it is an issue because it is the #1 most preventable way to die, but people still continue to smoke because of how it looks and how they are perceived as a person if they do. The fact that people become addicted to a trend that will attribute to their death for the sake of being thought of as cooler, is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Smoking is the cause of numerous citizens of the United States dying prematurely. The CDC (2014) explains, “smoking causes more deaths each year than: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearm-related incidents”. Some deaths are unavoidable such as a vehicular accident, but a death by a cigarette is because the results of the decision the user made. Cassidy and Tramarchi (2011) describe, “Ci...
There are many negative effects on second hand smokers, immediately and over time. Second hand smokers take in nicotine and toxic chemicals through the same route as smokers, only they don't have a filter. The more that smokers take in toxic chemicals, the more likely they are to take the harmful chemicals into their body (“Secondhand Smoke”). So by smoking with others around you are the cause of many problems that they may have throughout their life. Second hand smoke immediately affects the heart, blood vessels and blood circulation in a harmful way (“Secondhand Smoke”), it puts nicotine in their bloodstream and could cause them to become addicted to cigarettes even before they ever even smoked. Over time, heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks can occur. Some people also get lung cancer or other types of cancer (“Secondhand Smoke”). By smoking with others around, you could end up eventually killing people without even trying. Not only is smoking bad for our bodies, it is also bad for the environment.
Every year cigarette smoking is responsible for 500,000 premature deaths (Nugel), you do not want to be just another statistic, do you? America’s first cash crop was tobacco. That means that tobacco has been around for a really long time. It was not until 1865, though, that cigarettes were sold commercially. They were sold to soldiers at the end of the Civil War (Dowshen). From then, cigarettes spread like wildfire, and it was not until 1964 that anyone made a stand about the negative effects of tobacco and cigarettes. People start smoking for all different reasons, some to fit in and some to “escape”. Regardless, it is a horrible habit. 3900 children will try their first cigarette today. Amongst adults who currently smoke, 68% of them began at age 18 or younger, and 85% at 21 or younger (American Lung Association). And of all those people, 70% say if they were given another chance they would never have picked up that first cigarette (Tobacco Free Maine). Smoking is responsible for 1 and 5 deaths in the united states, and is the number one preventable cause of death (NLH). Smoking burns and there is no doubt about that, but before one picks up that cigarette, understand the negative effects on not only oneself, but others affected by ones poor choices, like second-hand smoke. Because of smoking cigarettes, many types of cancer, decrease of life quality, and negative health effects have become all too common in the world today.
Smoking cigarettes is a detrimental practice not only to the smoker, but also to everyone around the smoker. According to an article from the American Lung Association, “Health Effects” (n.d.), “Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., causing over 438,000 deaths per year”. The umbrella term for tobacco use includes the use of cigarettes, cigars, e-cigs and chewing tobacco. While tobacco causes adverse health consequences, it also has been a unifying factor for change in public health. While the tobacco industries targets specific populations, public health specifically targets smokers, possible smokers, and the public to influence cessation, policies and education.
This year alone cigarettes will kill over 420,000 Americans, and many more will suffer from cancers, and circulatory and respiratory system diseases. These horrible illnesses were known to come from cigarettes for years. Recently the Food and Drug Administration declared nicotine, the main chemical in cigarettes, addictive. This explains why smokers continue to use cigarettes even though smokers are aware of the constantly warned about health dangers in cigarettes. Some researchers have also found out that smoking by pregnant women causes the deaths of over 5,000 babies and 115,000 miscarriages. The only way to get rid of the suffering and loss of life by cigarettes is to ban them. . For years cigarettes have been known to cause cancer, emphysema, and other horrible illnesses. The deaths of over 420,000 of Americans this year will be do to cigarettes. With all the other causes of deaths, alcohol, illegal drugs, AIDS, suicide, transportation accidents, fires, and guns, cigarettes still count for more deaths than those do combined. We can’t stand and watch people die because they smoke cigarettes. Thousands of smokers try to rid themselves of cigarettes but can't because of additive nicotine. Nicotine was recently declared addictive by the Food and Drug Administration, which explains why many smokers continue to smoke despite the health warnings on cigarette smoking. Nicotine makes it almost impossible for cigarette smokers to quit smoking because of its addictive nature, and with the cigarette manufacturers putting just enough nicotine in the so they cant be outlawed. The benefits of outlawing cigarettes greatly outnumber the disadvantages, for example, many scientists believe a link between smoking and a shortened life span exists between the two, a ban on cigarettes could increase life spans. Many studies suggest that billions of dollars now spent on smoking related. Smoking related illnesses could be reduced by outlawing cigarettes, families could save money by not purchasing cigarettes, and accidental fires costing millions of dollars caused by cigarettes would stop. Although a complete ban on cigarettes currently remains almost impossible, several organizations recently helped create a bill that could control cigarettes much in the same way the government now controls drugs. One such organization, the Food and Drug Administration, headed by David Kesslar drafted a major part, which would require manufacturers to disclose the 700 chemical additives in cigarettes, reduce the level of harmful chemicals, require cigarette companies to warn of the addictive nicotine, restrict tobacco advertising and promotion, and control the level of nicotine cigarettes contain.
As most of you know, smoking is bad for your health, but what some of you might not know is that you don’t actually have to smoke to be harmed by smoking. Lung cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women, is mainly caused by cigarette smoking. Secondhand smoking causes approximately 2 percent of lung cancer deaths each year. It causes respiratory disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), middle ear disease, and asthma attacks in children.
One of the largest and most problematic health issues in our society is smoking. Smoking is currently the leading cause of death in our country, due to its harmful and addictive contents, such as nicotine and tobacco. Although millions die from it each year, smoking is the single most preventable cause of death. Without smoking, a tremendous amount of money and lives will be saved. I think that our country should ban smoking and the production of cigarettes in order to maintain a healthier nation, help save the environment, and prevent the almost 1000 deaths that they cause in fires each year.
Every year, there are over 400,000 smoking-related deaths in the United States. A large percentage of these are due to lung cancer, whose leading cause is smoking. However, not all deaths are smokers themselves. Anyone in the vicinity can fall victim to second hand smoke. These people, through no action of their own, can have their lives threatened.
has been found that second-hand smoke from cigarettes causes much harm. to non-smokers. Now after years of study, it is known that in America, Someone is more likely to die from second-hand smoke than from a car. gun or AID's. Cigarette smoke causes cancer, heart disease and it.
In recent years, smoking has started to take over the lives of many teenagers. The number of teenagers smoking has increased dramatically in the last several years. This is a major problem because smoking can lead to sickness and major diseases that can lead to death. Teens tend to participate in this while out of the presence of an adult figure. Although teens should not be smoking in the first place, an adult figure should be around to help insure that their children are doing the right things, even when they are behind sealed doors with their peers. Teenagers as they mature become a model for younger children and when they set the example of smoking can ruin their respectable image to the children that look up to them.
The damage that can be done in the inside of the body will last with the person throughout their lifetime. It blackens the lungs and causes lung cancer. Secondhand smoke can also lead to heart disease. Researchers have found that some deaths result in ischemic heart disease. “Nevertheless, this is likely and underestimate” (Wendy Max), told LiveScience. Studies show that people have a greater risk of lung cancer as opposed to heart disease. Secondhand smoke plays a role in our personal hygiene. It can lead to smells within our body, clothes, and hair. Smoking and secondhand smoke can cause us to age faster. Scientists out of the state of Oregon have also took note on how secondhand smoke can build up a compound that affects our blood and urine. “There is experimental evidence from nonsmokers studies where you put nonsmokers in a room, blow smoke into the room, and measure their artery function, that you see the platelets get sticky, which can cause clots and lead to a heart attack, and the ability of the arteries to dilate decreases very rapidly”, says Dr. Matthew McKenna. This cannot only harm our blood but also harm urine within the body. “Some people may say they’re not exposed to secondhand smoke, but they forget about the smokey bus ride they took in the morning or when they walked through the park and someone was smoking near them.” (Max). This compound
The sale of cigarettes and tobacco is a multi-billion dollar industry, but is it truly worth all the problems that stem from their use? Health care costs are extremely high due to all the health problems associated with cigarettes and tobacco. Even though research has proven time and time again the harmful effects of cigarettes, and the rising cost of health care caused by cigarettes, our government will not take a stand and stop all manufacturing of the horrible toxins. Every year, new medical reports are issued regarding the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world die every year from diseases caused by smoking.
It’s hard to fathom that people of all ages die from lung cancer, yet never smoke a single cigarette in their life yet die of this dreadful disease. Do you recall the last time you went to a restaurant and the hostess asked if you wanted to be seated in the smoking or non-smoking section? If so, that has been some time ago because as of July 1, 2006, the Colorado Clean Indoor Act went into effect banning the right to smoke in a restaurant and/or any other public building. In 1970, 40% of the American population smoked cigarettes or another form of tobacco product. Today, there are nearly 46 million people who smoke which are approximately 20% of the American population, and each year, smoking will kill roughly 443,000 of those smokers.
It can cause asthma and other respiratory illnesses in children, and has been implicated in various other childhood diseases such as sudden infant death syndrome or middle-ear infections. Scientists agree that there is no safe level of exposure to second hand smoke. It should simply be avoided. Neither air conditioning nor separation of smoking areas completely ...