Should Students Get More Time At Lunch Stresses You Out

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Do you ever feel like the environment of your lunch stresses you out? I think lunches at Wellington-Napoleon High School need to start earlier, last longer, and have better quality to give students more time to digest food, have more time for socialization, and be more relaxed. There are many students at Wellington-Napoleon High School that take classes directly after lunch that require physical activity. If students get physical directly after eating, it could cause them to throw up. That is why I believe we should get more time at lunch. It gives the students more time to digest food before having to work out. As you should know, most teens are really talkative and energetic, but when they don’t get to let off some steam, they get really stressed. Here at Wellington-Napoleon, teachers are all business. Students get in trouble when they get caught talking to their peers. The only time we really have the freedom to talk is …show more content…

First let’s start with quantity. This is why students are depressed. They get starved. I believe students should get what they paid for. If they are going to make us wait till 12:30 to eat, we should at least get enough food to fill our emptied bellies. Now for the quality. The food I give my pets and the food that goes in my mouth should not look the same. They could at least starve us with food so good you don’t need more. If we got better food, I bet the amount of food wasted would be reduced. 0/20 students said the quality of the lunch food on average is great.(ELA-Hour6) Now I do believe our school does serve some good food sometimes, it just needs to happen more often to satisfy the minds of students. Overall I feel like with a few changes to our lunch, students would be more satisfied. Not too many changes are really necessary I hope this makes you think a little bit. If you were in control of a school like this, what would you do about the environment of your

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