Should Schools Use Affirmative Action?

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Colleges should not use affirmative action. This affects students lives because all these reason leave a mark on students lives which make kids feel less. Also using affirmative action keeps kids from doing their best which can affect how the student grows and prosper. Now some may argue that affirmative action is helpful but in actuality it is just taring students down.Colleges should not use affirmative action because it is reverse discrimination, it setting kids up to fail and it is biased One reason why schools should not use affirmative action is because it reverse discrimination. For example, “ Brandy Springer has the same dream, So when her 12-year old daughter said that Nettleton Middle School wouldn’t let her run for class reporter because of her race, Springer was appalled and pulled her kids out of school”(from Current Events articles)This is important because schools are being racist but what happens when if a student is biracial? Also it makes kids feel less than others. Using affirmative action is an excuse to be racist if a student or a college applicant is getting into school or college based on their race and not knowledge you just might be putting a uneducated student into your school just to look diverse. …show more content…

For example, “ Last September to make a political point about affirmative action, Shawn Lewis, the Berkeley student, helped organize an “affirmative action bake sale” on the Berkeley campus, Prices were based on race, with whites charged more than blacks Hispanics or Native American”(By Adam Liptak).Colleges and schools should not use it because it makes students want to create unnecessary functions to prove that affirmative action is good and that it is assertive. Schools make students push the issue about affirmative action to show to other applicants that the school is not bias towards Black, Hispanics and Native American

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